Friday, February 07, 2025

Sad that Stacks not reappointed to lake committee

by Jane Solberg
| March 20, 2013 11:00 PM

I would like to commend the Pilot for the recent article (Feb. 27) about Jim and Lisa Stack. It was well written and spoke to their contributions over the past 20 years on the Whitefish Lakeshore Protection Committee.

The waters of the upper Flathead belong to all of us. It’s sad to think that three Commissioners sitting in their office in Kalispell threw away 40 years of expertise without conducting any interviews with the applicants. They obviously were given incorrect information by another person(s) because no one on the Committee nor the Stacks were ever consulted regarding a new appointee.
The person who was appointed served a term on the committee in years past but was not reappointed due to frequent absences from the meetings. We need persons who are committed, well-balanced and have a concise knowledge of the rules and regulations and enforcement. These regulations protect our lakes for all to use and protect the properties of the lakeshore owners. They need to be enforced consistently with no personal agendas guiding their decisions.  
Our lakes are certainly a large drawing card for our tourists and we must all work to keep them as clean and pristine as possible. I have not been on that committee for a number of years but what I have seen is a decline of consistency and a lack of follow up for projects and violations.
I am sad to see the loss of the Stacks on that committee and I can only hope that the current members will step up to the plate and work for all of us.
Do not allow those who are anti-lakeshore regulations and anti-committee speak for the majority of vacationers and homeowners. Save our lakes!
 — Jane Solberg