Friday, February 07, 2025

News from Bigfork schools

| November 14, 2013 8:48 AM

Parent Teacher Conferences for all grades begin on Wednesday, November 13 – Thursday, November 14, from 4:00-7:00 p.m.  Students in Grades K-5 should have received appointment letters indicating when your child/children are scheduled to meet with their homeroom teachers.

All parents with students in Middle School and High School are also invited to attend these informational sessions. The 6th grade will have selected scheduled conferences on Wednesday, November 13.  Letters were sent home last week to students with a scheduled conference. Otherwise, all other 6th grade parents can stop by anytime from 3:30-6:30 p.m. on Thursday, November 14.  Due to the large number of conferences that would need to be scheduled, it is impossible to do individual meetings.  If you would like to meet with any teachers in the Middle School or High School, please drop in at a time that is convenient for you between 4:00-7:00 p.m. on November 13 or November 14.  The teachers will be here and would love to conference with you.

While you are here for parent-teacher conferences, come to the high school library and buy a raffle ticket to support our Bigfork High School Gardening Club and the school garden.  Prizes to be given away: a beautiful hand-made quilt by Sherri Bentley, Gift Certificates to Sake To Me, Medicine Owl Massage, Swan River Gardens, Mountain Valley Foods, When In Rome, Salon Fusion (Amy Schmidt), GKDesigns (Sharon Tillet) manicure/pedicure, New Image Facial, Vase made by Dan Doak pottery, Danielle Taylor Painting, Wendy Anderson Tile, Persimmon Gallery Art Piece, Yoga Mat and carrier, gardening books, cookbooks, a pearl necklace and bracelet and more!  Tickets are $5 a piece or 3 for $10.  Prizes will be drawn on December 7th at Montana Bliss.   You do not need to be present to win.  To buy a raffle ticket after today, you may contact a Gardening Club member, Sue McGregor at 837-7420, ext 258, or or Zoe Tucker, Food Corp Service member at


Each month Sports Illustrated selects 5 athletes, college and high school, to highlight in their magazine.  

Makena Morley has been selected this month!  The recognition is quite special and a great reflection

of all the time, energy, and effort she has committed to cross country.

Congratulations Makena!

Parent Informational Meeting for Swimming and Wrestling

Thursday, November 14, 2013 at 7:30 pm

For parents of students who are interesting/committed to participating in

Swimming and Wrestling this winter, starting on November 21st:

Swimming Meeting: Room 209 with Ms. Ball

Wrestling Meeting: Room 103 with Mr. Feller

Each meeting will contain all the important information

you'll need to know about the upcoming season.


Please join us for a PTA Meeting, Tuesday, November 19, at 3:30 p.m. in the cafeteria. Topics will include Common Core Standards and upcoming events. Meet other parents and teachers!  Childcare will be provided.  The kids will be putting together boxes for Operation Christmas Child so if you can please  bring a small toy, toiletry product or school supply item that would fit in a shoe box.

MountainSong Church of Bigfork would like to invite Bigfork families to join us for our Thanksgiving Dinner Celebration on Sunday, November 24, 2013 at 4:44pm in the Elementary School Cafeteria.  It's our gift to you!

Please try to rsvp to by 11.21.2013

Reflections Program Details!

Reflections Arts Contest

Deadline:  December 2, 2013

This year's theme:  Believe, Dream, Inspire!

We are so fortunate to live in a community that values artistic expression and, because of that, we want to invite the students to participate in this year’s Reflections Program.

All of the participating students get to create something in one or MORE of the following categories…Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography and or Visual Arts.

In January we will have a huge open house reception that will showcase their amazing creations!   This is a competition… 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in each category and each grade level will be announced at the reception, which will be held at the Bigfork Center for Performing Arts!

Contact your child's teacher to get the rules and guidelines for each category.  Have fun!

Contact Jennifer Bach if you have any questions at:   250-8262