Friday, February 07, 2025

Opposes RV park

| November 29, 2013 4:26 PM

This is a second letter in response to the proposed Glacier Gateway RV Resort. After writing our first letter, we have reconsidered the proposal and now vehemently oppose the proposal to change the scenic corridor to include this subdivision/RV resort.

When the Columbia Mountain face was zoned as scenic corridor, not only was there protection from commercial signs, but also the ideology included maintaining the protection of the plant life and wildlife along the corridor.

Observing the beauty of the trees and mountain plant life, we question the destruction of this natural plant life from the effects of a subdivision and its chemicals and pollution.

It cannot be selfcontained. The trees and plant life will not survive the trauma. As we watch eagles including the bald eagles and golden eagles, the owls, hawks, wild turkeys and other fowl nest and mate in this protected corridor, we see a horrific change if the proposal is allowed. If this is their natural habitat, the area will be destroyed and they will face extinction.

Deer and elk have called this Columbia Mountain corridor their habitat with neighborhoods that respect the animals’ rights to live and flourish amid the predators and invading growth of subdivisions. What will happen to the deer and elk? Fences, crowds of people with pollution and noise will cause them to aimlessly use the highways, consequently ending in tragedy. No, we are opposed to the variance change and believe others will share our beliefs.

Ellenjoy Hoerner

Columbia Falls