Friday, February 07, 2025

Lakeview care center offers great services

by Bob and Judy Meseroll
| December 31, 2014 10:00 PM

My husband and I have recently required the services of a skilled nursing facility for rehabilitation following hospitalization.

Although we are residents of Bigfork, we were unaware that Lake View Care Center has a transitional Care Unit that offers inpatient and outpatient physical/occupational therapy. We have utilized those services on more than one occasion and have been very satisfied. It has been so convenient to have an accredited facility within our own community.

We would encourage anyone in need of such services to investigate what the facility offers.

We found everyone on the staff to be very kind, patient, cheerful and compassionate. The care provided is personalized for each individual (and family members). We must also commend the Bigfork QRU for their rapid response and competency. We have many reasons to feel safe and proud of what Bigfork offers.

—Bob and Judy Meseroll, Bigfork