Thursday, February 27, 2025

Teapublican mantra

| January 21, 2014 8:13 AM

It’s simple. For the Teapublican, there are two paths to job growth:

1) Duh. Further tax cuts for the rich, and remove what little remains of tax liablility of corporations AKA “people.”

2) There is only one kind of regulation which can be demonized in one endless mantra — “Job-killing regulation.” And the worst regulation is anything to do with protecting the “environment.” Stars-and-stripes-flaunting, Teapublican-financial-supporting and — shock — bankrupt “Freedom” Industries in West Virgina is the beneficiary.

Industry can manage its affairs nicely, thank you. No meddlesome inspections from job-killing regulators in decades. Just as it should be. The next time you hear a Teapublican pol regurgitate the “job-killing regulation” mantra, consider what it is doing to the water and the people of West Virginia. You could be next.

John McKee

Columbia Falls