Thursday, February 27, 2025

Bigfork Rotary Club presents annual awards

by Cheryl Richmond | Rotary Club of Bigfork
| July 2, 2014 2:17 PM

Rotary Club of Bigfork

This is probably one of the best, but most difficult parts of a club like ours.  This is the time that we, as a club, recognize one person in each of four categories to honor with a special award.  This is hard when you are a club where so many deserve these awards.  

However, the club has selected the following recipients who have demonstrated over and over during the year their commitment by going the extra mile.  Their demonstration of their commitment to the Rotary Motto of Service Above Self is obvious to all who know them.

Community Service The first award is the Community Service Award.  This award is to recognize a member  who has worked hard to promote our club in the community by committing to one of the six areas of focus as developed in the Rotary International Strategic Plan.

This person has given not only in time but, financially to supporting economic and community development in our area.  His contributions since joining our club have helped to move us closer to our goal of creating a bike and pedestrian path in Bigfork.  He has taken on the task of helping to insure the Legacy of the Bigfork Rotary Club and we all look forward to helping him. It is my honor to present the Bigfork Rotary 2014 Award for Community Service to Renny Johnson.

Club Service

The Club Service Award is given to someone who has taken on the care and feeding of our club.  This person is always there to make sure we are ready to have our meeting , that we can share with the club with Happy Bucks, who happily takes our money every week with the promise of Big Bucks, and who patiently without complaint,  well almost without complaint oversees the organization of our  badge box.  The club has voted to give this 2014 award  for Club Service along with our thanks to Vilma Chemers.

Rotarian of the Year

Rotary’s criteria for this award is that this person live a life that exemplifies fellowship and ideals as interpreted in the Rotary motto “Service above Self.”

• That this person supports the Rotary Foundation

• That this person strives to live the 4-way Test in their personal and professional life.

• That this person encourage and foster the ideal of Service in the Rotary clubs’, community, international and vocational service activities.

This member has represented our club over and over at the statewide meetings and trainings assuring that we will meet the criteria for obtaining grants and stay in good standing in our district.  She obtained a grant of $5,000 from Rotary that will support our newest project “No Kid Hungry in Bigfork.”  She has represented us on a statewide level with taking on the responsibility of program for leadership training of our youth.

I am proud to present to all of you, the Bigfork Rotary Club’s Rotarian of the Year, Heather Howlett.

This next award is an award that was started last year. The statue stays with the club as a reminder of the strength and courage that one of our members, Carolyn Hummel, demonstrated in the face of great challenges. Each year the new recipients name is added and they receive a certificate.

Carolyn was diagnosed with cancer and thus began her final journey.  She demonstrated to all of us and all who knew her that if you face what is given to you with a zest for life, a spirit of joy and determination, your journey will be without regret. Carolyn gave us all that gift. To honor her spirit this club gives this annual award to someone who has demonstrated that same courage.

 I am honored to present the 2014 Carolyn Hummel Spirit Award to Connie Piasecki who has shown that courage in dealing with the tragic loss of her husband, and our friend, Bruce.

Richmond is immediate past president of the Bigfork Rotary Club. These awards were presented recently at the club’s banquet.