Friday, January 31, 2025

Cash reward bumped up for 'bucket biologists'

by Hungry Horse News
| July 16, 2014 6:53 AM

Montana fisheries officials and major statewide angling groups recentlysigned an agreement aimed at curbing the spread of illegal fish introductions into state waters.

The agreement includes a pledge from angling groups for an additional cash reward of up to $3,250 for information leading to the conviction of persons responsible for an illegal fish introduction.

“Since the 1980s, more than 500 illegal introductions have occurred in Montana lakes, reservoirs, ponds and rivers,” Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks fisheries chief Bruce Rich said. “The outlaw dumping of fish has caused irreparable harm to Montana waters and ruined several existing fisheries.”

Rich said the rewards offered by Fishing Outfitters Association of Montana, Invasive Species Action Network, Montana BASS Nation, Montana Pikemasters, Montana Trout Unlimited, Montana Wildlife Federation, Walleyes Forever of Montana, and Walleyes Unlimited of Montana are intended to supplement the cash reward of up to $1,000 made available by FWP’s 1-800-TIP-MONT violation report hotline.

A caller with information leading to a conviction could receive as much as $4,250 altogether.

Outlaw fish introductions, commonly called “bucket biology,” displace existing fish, resulting in a loss of fishing opportunity. For instance, rapidly reproducing dumped illegally perch have squeezed out other game fish, diminishing that fishery while rarely growing to desired sizes.

This has happened in Lake Mary Ronan, where several illegal northern pike recently were discovered by an angler. Once illegally dumped, unwanted fish often get into other waters because many of Montana’s lakes, rivers and streams are interconnected.

One of the hot spots for illegal introductions is Northwestern Montana. According to FWP Region 1 fish manager Mark Deleray, lakes in the Flathead Valley and vicinity are of particular concern.

“We have seen illegal introductions of walleye, crappie and smallmouth bass in recent years,” Deleray said. “We ask the public and people living on lakes to be especially observant of behavior that suggests someone is dumping fish. If you see or suspect something, report it immediately.”

In 1997, the Montana Legislature increased the fine for an illegal fish introduction to $5,000 and tacked on potential jail time. In 2011, lawmakers doubled the fine to $10,000.

Anyone with information on an illegal fish introduction is asked to call 1-800-TIP-MONT (1-800-847-6668). For more information, visit online at, click “Enforcement,” then click “TIP-MONT.”