Friday, January 31, 2025

Wayfarers park plan could be better

by Dan HarveyBigfork
| June 18, 2014 12:16 PM

I’m glad all the parties involved in choosing more asphalt parking lot at Harry Horn park next to Wayfarer’s State Park are pleased. I think the plan can be better. With more lights and light pollution and more asphalt and its dirtier water draining into Flathead Lake, will any animals around the park except human want to use the park?

I think you all are interested in greatly changing the parks for the 10-15 percent of the time traffic is at a maximum there. Who is going to pay for this hyper developed parking lot the 85-90 percent of the time it is empty? Why not use the state facilities that ALREADY exist north of town next to the Baptist Church as a parking lot for maintenance stuff? I think you should make the plan smaller. Remember: Wayfarer’s and Harry Horn have over 100,000 visits each year not because it’s a machinery parking lot.