Friday, February 07, 2025

Realtors collaborate with Habitat For Humanity

by Rob Keller
| May 20, 2014 7:36 AM

Jess Mahugh, the volunteer coordinator for Habitat For Humanity of Flathead Valley, recently invited the Northwest Montana Association of Realtors group to help with construction of some homes in Columbia Falls. This makes sense; Realtors are in the housing business — why not help build homes for those who can’t purchase a home in the traditional manner?

Many volunteers have participated this spring, including several real estate groups.  

Both Jess Mahugh and Steve Tartaglino, the site construction manager, provided some insight into what Habitat is all about. It is a program that helps families who otherwise would not be able to become homeowners. This is accomplished by keeping the cost of construction down through volunteer labor and donations and providing a zero-down loan.

Yes, a loan. Not only do they have to make their payments, but they also have to help build the home. It isn’t a give-a-way or handout, but rather it gives these purchasers a sense of “pride of ownership,” which is key to its success.

This is a community involved program by getting the local community members involved in volunteering and donations. More importantly, it helps more families know home ownership.

Studies show families that own their own homes are more stable, giving the children a sense of belonging. This stability is so strong that the children living in homes owned by the parents are much more likely to graduate from high school. High school dropouts are less productive citizens and are much more likely to require social services.

This is a very valuable program for communities and ours is no exception. In fact, with the high cost of housing here, it is probably more important here than many places.

Steve relayed a story about one of the families who moved into a Habitat home several years ago. One of the children was a 10-year-old boy who Steve befriended and had the opportunity to get to know. On the boy’s 12th birthday, Steve took him out for ice cream.

The young boy was so excited to tell Steve that he was on a Rotary Football team and was having a blast playing. Steve attributed his involvement in the program to the family’s home ownership. The boy told Steve he was able to join a football team for the first time because his Mom believed they would be living in their home for a long time and not have to move.

Steve believes this young boy would have never been able to participate in football if it wasn’t for the stability home ownership provided his family.

I am proud of the many Realtors who have taken time out of their busy lives by volunteering their time in such a meaningful way — to be a part of knowing we can help families stay together and help improve their lives. I hope everyone in our community could/would volunteer or donate to this worthy cause.

Come on Flathead Valley residents, let’s make a difference! Call Habitat to volunteer at 257-8800.

Rob Keller is president-elect of the Northwest Montana Association of Realtors.