Friday, February 07, 2025

Water compact debate brings out true colors

by Clarice Ryan
| November 12, 2014 2:50 PM

The debate over the Federal Reserved Water rights for the CSKT reservation has brought out the true character of individuals and groups involved.  The historic purpose of the reservation is established fact:  Provision of a home for Indians which had merit at the time, and of course required inclusion of water essential to life.  However, the current over-reach of state and federal governments in the proposed compact extends far beyond reservation boundaries to the extent of management and control of all Montana waters west of the Continental Divide.

  Polling places on Indian trust parcels lack oversight and enforcement by the Secretary of State.  There may be as many as 75 polling precincts on the seven reservations in Montana.  This can significantly alter election results as tribal governments have no duty to provide a list of tribal identification cards. There is no way to verify one person, one vote at polling precincts on Indian trust lands.

In the past the Montana vote has managed to upset party balance at the national level to the extent that it significantly altered federal decision-making and policies.

—Clarice Ryan, Bigfork