Friday, January 31, 2025

Top of the food chain

| November 21, 2014 9:01 AM

The whitetails sure don’t whistle like they used to anymore, not since the wolf snuck in the back door. The few that are left have learned to keep their little traps shut.

I guess Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks thinks they are making a comeback, but that is a falsehood. Maybe the whitetails have sprouted wings, are sleeping in the clouds and doing their business over water.

Did I mention that the whitetails sure don’t whistle like they used to?

We need somebody in state government to grow some courage and get rid of the wolf. Open all closed roads, allowing snaring of wolves, night hunting and bait stations. Also a $100 bounty as a minimum.

Around the Olney area, we have lost about 80 percent of the whitetails to the wolves. I always thought the states created the U.S.A., but the feds dictate to the states.

Yes, I know all about the griz, black bear and mountain lion pressure on prey, so weep for that wolf, but not this old man, because I will always be the top predator when I walk the woods. We (mankind) are on the top of the food chain.

And those whitetails sure don’t whistle anymore.

Ted Larsen
