Friday, January 31, 2025

MFWP should defend wildlife from people

by Bill BaumBadrock Canyon
| November 26, 2014 11:00 PM

After the November 6, 2014 candidate forum to select a new supervisor for Region 1 at Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks in Kalispell, it is apparent that nothing will change with a new supervisor.

 There will still be no environmentalist member appointed to the prestigious Citizen Advisory Committee.  Only hunters, trappers, outfitters, ranchers, gun instructors, et al, need apply.  It is a 15 man committee and the prevailing “wisdom” is that having an environmentalist for even one single membership would be too disturbing to the other members of the committee.

 So, bears, wolves, mountain lions, wolverines, Canada Lynx, deer, elk, moose, et al, are destined to have no friends and defenders representing them with MFWP…still, as ever.

 I, as many others, find this an atrocious situation and wonder why the American public, if not Montanans, and government legislators allow it to happen.  The mission statement for the MFWP organization should be to defend wildlife from people, not “manage” wildlife by deciding how many to kill.  MFWP got it wrong…they have it backwards.

 Animals are harmonious in the natural ecological cycle provided by “Mother Nature” and have always existed well in the natural order of things.  It is mankind that violates the natural order and has become a cancer upon the Earth.  The Neanderthal genes are still within some of them so they still must lust to kill, kill, kill.

 Where is the government organization to protect and defend wildlife?  It is certainly NOT Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks.

 — Bill Baum, Badrock Canyon