Friday, February 07, 2025

Like Mitchell

| October 1, 2014 9:12 AM

We are writing to urge all Flathead County residents to cast a vote on Nov. 4 for Phil Mitchell for Flathead County Commissioner.

Two of Phil’s best known character traits are his hard-work ethic and his common sense approach to business, especially in regards to budget issues. However, we would like to share with you all another strong quality of Phil’s character — his compassion for people.

When asked to work on many community projects — the North Valley Food Bank building project, maintenance of the Smith Fields in Whitefish, construction of the current home of Christ Lutheran Church, as just a few examples — Phil’s response was hours of expertise given from his big-hearted nature.

He cares deeply for the residents of this valley, especially those families raising their children in this special place. While on the Whitefish City Council, he fought hard to keep the city’s budget balanced so taxes would not need to be raised, making it easier for these families to remain in the city.

When approached with a concern or a question by a community member, he will carefully listen completely before offering an opinion, one that will always be made with well researched information.

His often stated conservative beliefs are just that, the beliefs on which he bases his decision making. There is no hidden agenda with Phil. We know where he stands and in what he believes. His compassion for these beliefs is why we support him for Flathead County Commissioner.

As long time friends of Phil and his family, we ask for your vote for Phil so as county commissioner he can work hard for the people of Flathead County.

Jeff and Susie Jensen
