Friday, February 07, 2025

A clear choice or more of the same?

by Sandra Mcdonald
| October 20, 2014 11:46 AM

On Nov. 4, Flathead Valley residents will have the opportunity to exercise their civic duty and vote. I hope that everyone will take the opportunity to educate themselves on the candidates and the issues.

I’m not talking about listening to slick campaign ads. I’m talking about real research from a neutral source as well as calling the candidates to see where they stand on the issues.

My question is, will “The People” choose more of the same (inaction, stonewalling and indifference to the people), or will people finally realize that it’s time for real change in leadership from the status quo.

Congress has an approval rating of a whopping 9 percent, so one could assume that folks are ready for a change. For me, the choice is clear — voting for Democratic candidates is a vote for “The People,” you and me, the working class, the elderly, our veterans, our children and the sick and downtrodden.

On the other hand, a vote for Republicans will result in more of the same — more tax breaks for the wealthy and continued subsidies and loopholes for large corporations at the expense of the middle class. More of the same might be nice if you are in the 1 percent, but for the rest of us, not so much.

We have an opportunity as citizens to change the direction of the status quo, both locally and nationally. We can elect Stacy Schnebel for Flathead County Commissioner and know that she will look out for the interests of all Flathead Valley residents and especially our aging population here in the Flathead.

Her opponent, Phil Mitchell, apparently does not believe in the democratic process, since he won’t publicly debate Stacy because it “is not in his best interest.” Really Phil? What about the democratic process and the best interest of “The People?” For someone who purports to want to represent the people, I find it difficult to understand why he would refuse them the opportunity to hear him debate the real issues.  

In House District 5, we have an excellent representative in Ed Lieser, who has a proven track record and the ability to work across the aisle and get things done, whereas Doug Adams promises “no new legislation” and more of the same — stonewalling and inaction.

A vote for Amanda Curtis for Senate is another vote for working class Montanans, assuring that we all have a voice, as opposed to Steve Daines, who is another millionaire that is out of touch with the majority of citizens he purports to represent.

And finally, John Lewis is clearly “The People’s” candidate, who has made it clear where he stands on the issues that matter most to Montanans, as opposed to Ryan Zinke, who has flip-flopped on nearly every important issue simply to pander to the voters.

Regardless of where you stand on the issues and candidates, I hope that each and every one of you reading this takes the time to inform yourselves of the issues, find out where the candidates stand, and show up at the polls to exercise your right to vote and make your voice be heard.  

Sandra McDonald lives in Whitefish.