Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Forum an opportunity to meet candidates

by Edd Blackler
| October 22, 2014 8:54 AM

On Monday, Oct 6th, It was my privilege to attend the Bigfork Candidate Forum at the Bigfork Elementary School cafeteria which was co-hosted by the Bigfork Eagle and three Bigfork High School students. This was an excellent chance for me to learn about the candidates for Senate District five and the Flathead County Commission. 

I appreciate the efforts of David Reese, the administration and teachers of Bigfork School, and all those who helped make this event happen in Bigfork.

I was very impressed by Marissa Hiza, Kallister Meagher, and Gus Di Paulo, the three Bigfork High School students who skillfully posed their well prepared questions to the candidates.  They certainly exemplified the superior level of education that is occurring at our local school.

I will say that I was very disappointed by the very small turnout.  Either the eligible voters in our area are preoccupied with Monday night football, are completely apathetic, or have already decided for whom they will vote, based on the information they have gleaned from their church group or other special interest group.  I often hear loud complaints about how terrible our government is, but when people don’t care enough to participate in the election process, they are apt to get the “government” they deserve. 

There are still opportunities to meet the candidates face to face, and ask them questions before Nov. 4th.  

I encourage every eligible voter to become an informed voter, and “Show Up” to be a part of our government.

Edd Blackler, Bigfork