Friday, January 31, 2025

Local governments explain 911 ballot issue

| October 22, 2014 12:36 PM

Beginning in 2009, Flathead County and the cities of Kalispell, Whitefish and Columbia Falls have been involved in a successful local government partnership to consolidate emergency dispatch arid communication services.

This effort included the transition of personnel from four different agencies, the establishment of emergency medical dispatch protocols, establishing a governing board and identifying a long-term funding mechanism that has always been identified as a necessity for the operation.

A future funding committee was required by the interlocal agreement, and various funding options have been explored since 2009. In recent months, the Flathead Emergency Communications Board reviewed five options to fund critical 911 and radio services operational and capital needs.

The option selected to present to the voters was the formation of a special 911 emergency communications district. It is believed that this would:

• Provide a streamlined management structure.

• Create a long-term funding mechanism.

• Establish an equitable funding mechanism for all county residents.

In order to accomplish this, the voters of Flathead County will need to approve the creation of the special 911 district at the upcoming Nov. 4 election.

In addition to creating a streamlined management structure, the implementation of a special 911 district would also provide an equitable funding mechanism across all county residents.

Rather than being subject to fluctuating mill levies that differ from municipality to municipality, the special district would be funded by the existing county levy that is currently in place and a flat fee applied in a uniform fashion, with residential properties being assessed $25 on an annual basis, and commercial properties being assessed $50 per unit on an annual basis.

One thing that has been found to be true in this consolidation effort is that cooperation arid commitment are instrumental to the success of joint service provision. It has taken some time to get to this point to propose what we feel is the answer to developing an effective and efficient model for the provision of emergency 911 communication services in Flathead County.

It is because we see the improvements that can be realized, Flathead County and the cities of Kalispell, Whitefish and Columbia Falls have jointly supported placing this issue on the ballot, as the creation of the special 911 district cannot be achieved without voter approval.

Signed by the Flathead County Commissioners, City of Kalispell, City of Whitefish and City of Columbia Falls.