Thursday, February 27, 2025

Supports Perry

| September 17, 2014 9:18 AM

Politics have always held an interest for me. As a younger woman, I was active in the League of Women Voters, voted for Richard Nixon in 1968 and knocked on doors for George McGovern in 1972 and John Anderson in 1980. This tells you two things: I’ve been around a while, and I’ve never voted the party line.

Why then do I find myself attending team meetings for Zac Perry, candidate for Montana House District 3, surrounded by a group of people many of whom are young enough to be my children?

The answer is simple: I like Zac, I trust Zac, and I believe his greatest motivation for running is his desire to serve the interests of those he represents.

I have not known Zac as long as many of those working hard to help get him elected. But hopefully with age comes wisdom.

I knew when I first met Zac that he was the “genuine article.” He doesn’t try to overwhelm, as some candidates might, arrogantly flaunting their resumes, spouting verbatim the ideology of their party, or making outrageous — sometimes knowingly false — statements.

Zac speaks in a soft voice, always respectful in his response. He thinks carefully before answering a question or offering an opinion. And when he does speak, you can be assured he is saying what he believes to be right, as well as what he believes is in the best interests of his neighbors, his community and his state.

Best of all, Zac is a “listener” who seems much more interested in what you have to say than what he might have on his own agenda. How often do you find these qualities in today’s politicians — on any level?

If you vote for Zac Perry for HD3, he will never disappoint you. Instead, he will make you proud.

Darlene Frahm

Columbia Falls