Friday, February 07, 2025

The $35 check that changed his life

| December 23, 2015 7:58 AM

Forty-five years ago I had just received a graduate degree from the University of Idaho and was teaching and coaching in the small town of Ritzville, Washington, an hour west of Spokane.

I returned home to Iowa that Christmas, but it was no secret my parents were wishing I lived closer to them.  Now I’m a grandpa, I’m so thankful both of our kids live in Montana.

My dad had heard my new hunting and fishing stories, and not really understanding outdoor life in the Pacific Northwest, he gave me a $35 check.

A check that changed my life.

I spent the money for tuition for Everett Caryl’s 10-week fly-tying class in Spokane.

Although I’d fished all my life, I’d never been as excited to learn how to fly fish.

I was introduced not only to the techniques for tying stuff on hooks to fool fish, but, more importantly, I met people with an unflagging enthusiasm and passion for fly fishing.

Initially my goal was to memorize the recipe for three flies every night, flies I didn’t even know yet how to tie.

It didn’t take long for me to learn, that with the proper techniques, I could tie just about any fly.  And I could always look up the recipe in a book.

I was so fired up for fly-tying that I began teaching classes in Ritzville before I even finished Caryl’s course!

Some people may see fly-tying as a way to save money, as opposed to buying flies.  Ya right!   Sorta like saving money on meat by hunting!

Anyway, my point is this:  One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself or others is lessons.

Fly-tying.  Fly-casting.  Tennis.  Golf.  Art.  Sewing.  Shooting.  Writing.  Photography.  Etc.  Etc.  Etc.

Life is too short to try to figure out everything by yourself. Have a Merry Christmas!