Friday, February 07, 2025

Mundel wins Boogie

by Chris Peterson Hungry Horse News
| July 29, 2015 6:24 AM

The Glacier Bank Boogie to the Bank, with its downhill glides is always a quick race and Saturday's event was no exception. Marshall Beatty of Missoula won the men's 5K with a time of 15:24.6, while hometown girl Samantha Mundel won the women's 5K handily with a time of 17:12.5.

In the 10K, there were familiar winners there as well. Troy Fraley of Kalispell won the men's race with a time of 30:31.3 and Jesse Rumsey of Columbia Falls clocked a 41:47.7 to win the women's crown. More than 200 runners were in the race.

For complete results go to and click on "Boogie to the Bank."

Top 20 placers of the 10K:

1.Troy Fraley, 30:31.3, 2. Tyler Wells, 37:48.9, 3. Aaron Benson, 38:31, 4. Jim Peacock, 40:44, 5. Justin O'Dea, 41:42.2, 6. Jesse Rumsey, 41:47, 7. Chad Baker, 42:16 8. Joe Forthofer, 43:04.1, 9. Winfield West III, 43:19.5, 10. David Selders, 44:12.1, 11. Gary Bjelland, 44:26.9, 12. Mark Thompson, 45:55.6, 13. Susan Armstrong, 46:48.7, 14. Aldo Kuntz, 47:40.6, 15. Tracy Stevens, 48:57.7, 16. Ginia Hauf, 49:17.2, 17. Matthew Kreuter, 49:17.2, 18. Stephanie Temple, 49:23.6, 19. Amy Casazza, 49:50, 20. William Anderson, 49:52.9

Top 20 in the 5K

1. Marshall Beatty, 15:24.6, 2. Matthew MacFarlane, 16:47.8, 3. Samantha Mundel, 17:12.5, 4. Molly Pezzulo, 17:22.9, 5. Brock Adkins, 17:25.4, 6. Justin Whitman, 18:31.5, 7. Parker Gillespie, 18:36.5, 8. Brent Hartley, 18:50.1, 9. Keegan Siebenaler, 18:59.1, 10. Clay Lundgren, 19:00.6, 11. Tori Gillespie, 19:31, 12. Justin Windauer, 20:16.9, 13. Avery Hanson, 20:29, 14. Jason Livingston, 20:38.7, 15. Ross Loeffler, 20:47.6, 16. Braxton Shewalter, 21:23.1, 17. Beau Umbriaco, 21:24.3, 18. Rachelle Eble, 21:26.3, 19. Zack Pletcher, 21:32.4, 20. Connor Crane, 21:57.4