Friday, January 31, 2025

Community leaders have an obligation to do their own research

by Caroline Solomon
| November 4, 2015 11:00 PM

When we heard that Montana World Affairs Council (MWAC) had invited Feisal Abdul Rauf Wednesday, October 21, 2015, a dozen Flathead residents drove to Missoula.

Rauf is a New York City Imam associated with the proposed construction of a “Ground Zero Mosque”. He has also praised Sheikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi, a Muslim scholar associated with the Muslim Brotherhood who supports Palestinian suicide bombings. 

One major donor to AWAC is the Turkish Cultural Foundation (TCF). For the 7th year the TCF has provided training for Montana teachers and students on Turkish Culture - over 2700 US teachers and 5000 students attended programs. 

Mr. Hussein Ibish, a MWAC speaker spoke on Palestine and Israel. He was Vice President of Sami Al-Arian’s National Coalition to protect Political Freedom (2001-2004). In 2006 Al-Arian signed court documents admitting “to raising money and lending support to Palestinian Islamic Jihad”. Why would MWAC sponsor a speaker with a known bias as evidenced by working with Al-Arian? 

MWAC volunteers are most likely unknowing of the tenets of Islam in these relationships. They view Islam through the words of those who give only one view of Islam. Leaders in the community have an obligation to do their own research, to verify what they are being told is true. Otherwise the public and children will be deceived.  

Imam Rauf also visited Missoula High Schools on Wednesday and addressed 250 High school students on Thursday. 

We were led to believe there would be a one hour Q and A and we would be able to “ask” questions and be part of the “conversation”. Unfortunately, this did not happen. The questions had to be “written” and then “some hand-picked” ones   were “handed to the moderator”. Taqiyya was on full display. The concept of Taqiyya (deception) is closely associated with the Shariah doctrine about lying and deception. They say” We smile in the face of some people although our hearts curse them”. 

Please e-mail the Montana World affairs Council and demand they “invite” a speaker who can set the record straight at

Time to ACT! to preserve our US Constitution and freedoms is now. 

Caroline Solomon, Bigfork, Montana