Friday, February 07, 2025

Columbia Falls baseball needs letters of support

| November 12, 2015 6:00 AM


Hungry Horse News

The Columbia Falls Baseball Association is looking to make several upgrades to its fields and facilities through a state grant, but needs letters of support in favor of the project.

The Association has had great success over the years. 

But the fields they play on need some work, said association treasurer Nancy Underdahl. She said they’d like to upgrade the irrigation system in the fields, upgrade the infields and revamp the aging concessions stand. They’d also like to pave the access drive to the smaller fields so it joins into Veterans Drive. That would make access easier for the public and for veterans who come down from the Veterans Home to watch the games.

There’s about 180 youths in the younger leagues, Underdahl said. The association already pays $4,500 a year to lease the fields from the state, she noted and the cost to insure the league is another $2,000 more. Add in uniforms and other expenses and there’s not much left in the budget for upgrades.

The grant application is being completed with help from city manager Susan Nicosia. It’s through the state Department of Commerce’s Youth Recreation Grant Program which specifically provides grants to organizations with leases on state lands.

The Legislature in its last session approved $1.5 million statewide for the grants, but they’re highly competitive, so the more support the city gets, the better.

Letters of support can be sent to the attention of Susan Nicosia, City Hall, 130 6th ST West, Columbia Falls, MT  59912 or by email: