Friday, February 07, 2025

A great time to be in the woods

| October 14, 2015 6:25 AM

t is now my favorite part of fall. Although the aspen and low shrubbery colors are beginning to fade, the larch are just now peaking with golden needles. The meadow at my cabin is now a truly golden meadow and the weather is great. How can you beat warm sunny days with blue skies and cool nights with millions of sparkling stars. Top that off with the joy of an evening campfire or even a crackling fire in the woodstove in the evening or an early morning fire to take the chill off.

It is a great time to be out in the woods before the woods are filled with orange-clad hunters. For me, it is a time to get out with a camera instead of a rifle. Maybe get a good wildlife photo and for sure some great photos of fall colors. Since Many Bears McDonough has returned to winter quarters I might manage to close the gap on our bear sightings contest. No chance of winning since I am at 10 compared to his 21. Even so, I would like to get a little closer if only to salve my ego. We will see.

Another sign of fall is the last meeting of the year of the LandownersĂ­ Association which was held on Oct. 3 with about 30 members present. That is double the usual October turnout. I think everyone was interested in the final budget proposed by the Board of Directors.

The board included several suggestions offered by members at earlier meetings. They agreed that membership in Firewise Montana was not a contribution but a fee for service and valuable education and funded the Fire Mitigation Committee to cover that $50 annual fee. Previously Chairman Molly Shepherd had paid this fee out of her own pocket.

The board also proposed funds for the Interlocal Meeting and the Social Committee basically to cover food costs.

Other concerns the board addressed were security of the building, use of the generator, and improvement of the disabled access to the ramp at the rear of the building.

Also, a unanimous vote of the members increased the budget for Thanksgiving up to $250 to cover the cost of turkeys and hams. There was also information that the donation jar at Thanksgiving was "tacky" and would not be present this year.

Finally, the Board announced that Larry Wilson had been appointed to fill the vacant North DirectorĂ­s position created when Don Sullivan resigned.

Next big fall event is the general hunting season which will bring orange-clad hunters into the area to hunt deer and elk. Hunter success in recent years has been barely average or below average. I am not sure why this is the case but I am sure it is at least in part due to many deer closer to town, which makes the longer drive to the North Fork less desirable. This is somewhat offset by the improved North Fork Road which is being graded this week.

Last weekend saw the Le Grizz Run on Saturday. This new North Fork event has created some controversy and we will see what happens. For sure, there are multiple Porta Potties along the road to provide for runners and others. We will see if dust on the north end is a factor.