Friday, February 07, 2025

2015 Tamarack Time was a great success thanks to volunteer efforts

by BigforkToot Sward
| October 28, 2015 12:30 AM

As the Tamarack Time coordinator, I would like to thank the wonderful volunteers who contributed to the 2015 Tamarack Time’s success! Starting with Gretchen Gates who ‘loaned’ Abby, Peggy and Barbara to help count the tablecloths, cups, silverware, napkins, Admin sheets, award ribbons into the category bags as well as the use of Eva Gates’ Homemade Preserves store for staging everything.  

Thanks to Bruce Solberg who ‘rescued’ Tamarack Time by retrieving additional tables belonging to the Chamber for our use, and to Tom and Brett Sward who set them up and removed them afterward from the designated stations along Electric Avenue. Colonel Sward was also the sole sanitation engineer collecting all remaining trash bags which he dropped at the dump!

My heartfelt thanks go to the food category Chairs who “Chase the Chow” by getting folks to bring entries as well as recruiting Servers to dish it out! God Bless each and every one of you!!!

Very special thanks to Beth Watke and her team for bringing their Raptors which are always a delight! Also very much appreciated are the pumpkins Sean and Melissa Bonnet of Bear Foods provide for the children to carve free of charge. And the conclusion of Tamarack Time wouldn’t be the same without Mister’s Octoberfest contribution of free beer and brats!

You just read what has to happen to make Tamarack Time tick, but its success truly rested on the shoulders of those of you who gave generously of your time and grocery money to bake and contribute!!! Without your amazing appetizers, breads and jams, casseroles, crocks of chili, desserts, kids,  cookies, pies, pickles, potatoes, soups and stews, there would be no reason to sell memberships now would there? Let’s set a goal in 2016 for first-time bakers to bring a dish and for those who did contribute, please do it again!  Let’s see tables overflowing on the 2nd Saturday of October 2016!!..and pray we have the magnificent weather we had in 2015! 

Thanks so much!

Toot Sward, Bigfork