Thursday, March 13, 2025

Xanterra needs to clean up trash

| September 23, 2015 9:42 AM

As former mayor and current 31-year Chamber of Commerce member, I want to comment on a "community pride" concern. First off, I want to say I am so proud of the many young businessmen and women in our community as they have invested and sacrificed to build their businesses here in our wonderful community. I know first hand what it takes having built and owned the "R" Place restaurant, Park View Inn Bed & Breakfast and currently a vacation rental. Thirty years ago Louise Cox and I started a committee called Community Pride and we business people planted marigolds in front of our properties and really took pride in our community. Carol Pike was instrumental in keeping us all tracking, Linc France kept on top of the weeds and Daryl Olson installed the "Falls," just to name a few business people who worked hard and cared about our community. It goes un-said how happy we all are that Xanterra invested in our community and provided so many jobs, a real positive addition to our community, but here is the rub.

Behind the former Gary and Leo's (as I fondly remember it), currently Xanterra, is now a recycling hub that is frankly an embarrassment to the look of our community. During the summer they have three very large trash bins (there is always trash blowing out and around the neighborhood), over 25 trash cans for glass, green boxes that everyone stops by and dumps their garbage in. It is horrible looking alongside of Xanterra's offices and laundry facilities. Question is why can't they dump all their trash somewhere else other than in the heart of our town?

They just built a vehicle barn on Highway 206, why not there? Now that a million dollar hotel is going to be built across the street, how does this reflect on our "Community Pride?"

I just want us business folks (like O'Briens new store has done) and Xanterra to take pride in how our businesses reflect our "Community Pride."

Gary Hall

Columbia Falls