Friday, February 07, 2025

Spring has sprung on North Fork

| April 13, 2016 8:28 AM

In the valley it is definitely spring. Seventy degree weather, green grass, lilacs leafing out and no snow anywhere. On the North Fork it is spring too. Not quite as summer like as in town, but still spring.

South slopes are bare, big bare areas in meadows. Still, mushy snow in shaded areas and side roads can still be impassable.

Biggest sign of spring is the wildlife. I have seen over 50 mule deer on one trip recently and there were over 50 elk in the Ladenberg meadow this last Wednesday. That included two nice bulls that have not dropped their antlers yet. Also, black bears have been spotted on Home Ranch Bottoms and at least one grizzly has been seen. No doubt Lee Downes will soon be doing his part, as usual, to control the gopher population. Whitetail deer obviously wintered well and are too numerous for me to count in groups of two or three up to 15 or 20 in big meadows.

It was such an easy winter that I have not seen many signs of “shack happy” residents but I am sure that year rounders are looking forward to the return of the summer residents and even more to the reopening of the Home Ranch Store and downtown Polebridge.

If you are a computer type, look at the MSN site for food and drink. The Home Ranch Bottoms bar and cafe is listed number seven on the top 20 best places to eat in the middle of nowhere. After looking at the pictures of all 20, the Home Ranch Bottoms is still number one in my book. With the good weather, the gift shop and bar open part-time. If the gate is open stop by. Official opening for all services is April 14 and Shawn will have the usual great barbecue fare.

The Polebridge Mercantile and bakery is currently open on Friday, Saturday and Sunday and will open full-time on May 1.

I am not so sure about The Northern Lights as I have been unable to actually contact the new owner. Others who have talked with her said that her plans are to open May 27 for pizza night. If I find out otherwise I will let you know.

Access to the North Fork is even better than usual for this time of year. 

The main road is bare clear to Polebridge and the county grader has made the road super smooth. 

Even so, my advice is to drive under the speed limit so you can maximize wildlife viewing and enjoy the magnificent scenery complete with terrific snow-capped mountains. Please let me know if you see wolves or bears. 

Same thing with moose which do not seem to be as plentiful as in previous years. I can be contacted at, P.O. Box 3, Columbia Falls, MT 59912 or 406-892-5951.