Friday, January 31, 2025

More parties in the North Fork

| January 6, 2016 9:43 AM

By all accounts, both the last party of 2015 and the first party of 2016 were huge successes. The first, held at the beautiful Leigh house was inside and although it was below zero outside, it was warm and cheery inside as Dick and Janet Leigh and co-hosts Steve and Sandi Kelly greeted friends and neighbors for a New Years Eve celebration to bring in the New Year. 

Even older neighbors, warmed by gracious neighbors and good food lasted until after midnight.

Likewise The Beach Party on New Years Day, Caldwells Halloween Party is limited by space inside and The Beach Party is limited by the need to transport over a mile to the river from the nearest plowed road. In both cases, invitations are much sought after and everyone has a great time.

In recent years, Beach Party hosts Duke and Naomi Hoiland have been aided by Mark and Margaret Heaphy who ski to the site, shovel out the area and start two big fires. In the beginning we only had one fire, but that changed the first time it was below zero. Now we have one fire for cooking and one for warming and if you stand between the fires you are warm on both sides, although some folks still like to have one fire behind them and a view of the river in front.

I don’t remember how many years we have had the Beach Party. It was originally started by the Hoilands as a family gathering. That lasted for several years until the Ogle family came crashing through the willows on snowmobiles and disrupted the Hoiland party. It was decided to expand the party to include other Trail Creekers.

From there it expanded to the entire community and it got so big that the snowmobile drivers spent all of their time transporting folks to and from the river and did not have time to eat, let alone enjoy the campfire.

Lynn and Bonny Ogle (where folks gathered for transport) started having hot drinks at their house and providing a “warming hut” for everyone waiting for a snowmobile ride and also a place to wait for family members to arrive from the river. It is a great outdoor day and has never been called off because of weather. We have had snow and bitter cold—once it was 18 degrees below zero—and the party goes on.

Next big North Fork event is scheduled at Sondreson Hall on Jan. 18 at 6:30 p.m. Rick Graetz from the University of Montana will again bring his class to the North Fork and provide information on their North Fork studies and entertain folks with a slide show. 

This year the show will feature photos of the Himalayas, Western American deserts, Yellowstone area and Montana prairie lands and more. The photos are always great and it is fun to talk to the students. They will also provide a cake and everyone is invited. As always bring a snack to share.