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Tips for Seniors Who Suffer From Muscle Aches and Pains

| June 14, 2016 12:00 PM

(NewsUSA) - Sponsored News - In a world that values 24/7 connectivity, consumers are quickly learning that technology and the demands we place on it do not necessarily align. Think about it: technology requires power, but energy sources that are currently available can't possibly meet our needs.

But what if they could?

Imagine charging your cell phone or tablet weekly instead of daily or multiple times per day. Or driving an electric car for 1,000 miles instead of 260 before needing a recharge.

That's the question that set Washington-based NEAH Power Systems Inc., on the path to finding a solution to power everything from your laptop to your tablet to your car. And the answer, says the company, may be closer than you think.

At the heart of its products is the PowerChip Battery -- a dynamic new energy technology that has applications for consumer, commercial and automotive clients, to solve specific power requirements.

Unlike other new-age battery concepts, the NEAH battery uses only standard battery components that are found in existing batteries used today -- just used differently. NEAH has 15 patents and 11 pending patent applications for, among others, the use of silicon substrates for fuel cells and batteries. In NEAH's PowerChip Battery, the company is building a rechargeable lithium battery in a 3-D architecture, using industry standard materials that provide high density (energy per unit weight or per unit volume), and can address the safety concerns typically seen in lithium -- ion batteries. NEAH is already building samples for field testing for its first customer.

"We use our patented porous silicon 3D architectures to maximize power. This is the first truly new battery design in the past 50 years that is manufactureable by using older-generation computer chip manufacturing equipment. We have seen tremendous improvements with Moore's law in semiconductors, and this battery brings similar economies of scale to the battery landscape as well. We finally have a battery capable of delivering the portable and wearable power required to maximize the 24x7 needs of our interconnected life." says NEAH's CEO, Dr. Chris D'Couto, "Our company goal was to not only make batteries lighter, smaller and more powerful, but to make them more affordable than traditional batteries. People are tired of having to recharge their smart phones during their daily activities."

Because of this cutting-edge technology, NEAH caught the attention of Tritente of Alexandria, Va., a Global Energy and Micro-Data Center company Tritente recently said it plans to deploy greater than $20 million of NEAH's PowerChip batteries in their projects in Africa, Europe and the Caribbean. By using NEAH's high-capacity energy generation and storage products, Tritente is able to bring the Artilium-Africa Micro-Data Center technologies to third-world population centers without a 24/7 grid system.

"We chose NEAH because its next -generation energy storage system is powerful, cost effective and compatible with Tritente's $6 billion plan to deploy renewable energy in Africa and to bring the Artilium-Africa solution to every African country mobile operation, educational institution, government entities, and every cell phone holder," says Paul Delkaso, chief executive officer of Tritente and managing partner of Artilium-Africa.

Currently, Artrillium-Africa expects to have between 10 to 20 data centers throughout each country throughout Africa. Most will be powered by renewable energy and will include NEAH's MicroChip next-generation energy storage system.

While information about other products is currently on the website, due to various pending patent developments, the company is providing information on its battery within the constraints of a non-disclosure agreement, and interested parties are requested to contact the company at: