Wednesday, March 12, 2025

FWP seeks comment on rule change to boat inspections

by Hungry Horse News
| March 8, 2016 12:10 PM

Montana Fish, Wildlife, & Parks has proposed a rule change to further prevent the infestation of aquatic invasive species in waters.

The change would clarify that decontamination at boat inspection stations may include appropriate drying time of a boat or vessel, which may mean locking the vessel to the trailer or impounding it to prevent launching.

The proposal also includes a new rule that would require boat operators to remove any “drain plug, bailer, valves or other devices that prevent water drainage from bilges, ballasts or livewells” during transport.

Boat operators would also be required to remove all aquatic vegetation from their vessel, trailer and equipment before leaving the boat ramp or parking area.

Public hearings on the proposed amendments and adoption will be held at FWP headquarters and regional offices, the Kalispell office will hold a meeting March 16 at 6 p.m.

Written comments may be submitted to Fisheries Division, Department of Fish, Wildlife and Parks, P.O. Box 200701, Helena, Montana, 59620-0701; or email, and must be received no later than March 25, 2016.