Friday, February 07, 2025

Kiwanis looking to add businesses to flag program

by Chris Peterson Hungry Horse News
| March 25, 2016 6:28 AM

The Columbia Falls Kiwanis Club is hoping to get more businesses to participate in its flag program. For $35 a year, the civic organization will hang a flag at a business on most major holidays and for Heritage Days in Columbia Falls.

Right now the group has about 60 Columbia Falls businesses enrolled, but would like to see more, said President Eric Morgan. 

“We put the flags up and take the flags down. We’ll even install the bracket to hold the flag,” Morgan said. “Hanging a flag gives a business a sense of patriotism and community pride.”

The club used to host a motorcross race in Hungry Horse every year, but had to stop because of liability concerns. Now the flag program is its major fundraiser.

The group does several community projects each year and calls bingo at the Montana Veterans Home a couple of times a month. It also supports the Key Club at the high school and the Builder’s Club at the junior high.

It’s always looking for new members. The group meets at 7 a.m. Wednesdays at the Backroom Restaurant. For more information on the flag program or sign up, call Morgan at 892-2379.