Friday, January 31, 2025

LETTER: Regier has proven record

| May 20, 2016 8:28 AM

The Senate seat in District 3 that is now highly contested by two well-known, well-liked candidates demands attention. We must not allow this contest to disintegrate into a pure and simple, but spirited, popularity contest.  

Of all times in history, the selection of the best qualified to do the job is of greatest importance. Wise, conscientious, experienced leadership is urgent.

We live in troubled times nationally and internationally, bringing to local levels threats of a turbulent, unpredictable global future. Locally we are faced with aggressive over-reach of a federal government threating our rights and state sovereignty; the burden of a questionable national and international economy undermining our security; and even vulnerable weaknesses within our own state operational structure and performance.  

Unsolved problems include need for assured water and property rights protection, and regained productive use of our natural resources now wrongly restricted or completely locked up by aggressive federal agencies.

We need firmly committed people in office capable of comprehending the problems and providing strong moral leadership in solving them. It takes informed insight and vision to develop laws which correctly meet long-term needs. With a healthy economy, available funding could be applied to our growing social problems desperately in need of corrective legislation and provisions.

All of this presents a huge challenge for which our four-time legislator, Keith Regier, comes highly qualified. He is well recognized for his leadership role with qualities of steady, thoughtful analysis; thorough in-depth research and study of issues; and honest, fair-minded decision-making skills. He has background knowledge and expertise in multiple fields and issues.

In these critical fast-moving times when extensive pressures and problems (both inside and outside) demand immediate attention, we need honest, qualified, dependable leadership at the helm. Without strong, ethical leadership we could even lose our fundamental form of government and way of life. This next legislative session will be critical with little room for trial and error.

Although Don “K” is a recognized successful business man, he is enthusiastically venturing into the complex, demanding world of politics, but unfortunately with likely naive self-confidence and underestimation of the task at hand.

Most of us are well aware of the extent of learning needed to equip a newcomer to become a truly informed, effective, dependable decision-maker. We seriously need the experienced dedication and commitment to excellence of highly respected, proven-track-record Keith Regier to protect the lives, futures and welfare of all Montanans.

—Clarice Ryan, Bigfork