Friday, February 07, 2025

Questions for Rob Quist about morality and politics

by Herb White
| April 9, 2017 2:00 AM

Given today’s increasing, driving forces for our nation and culture in decay by design, I firmly believe the evidence is all too common that the average voter fails to consider some essential observations prior to casting a vote.

Here are some thoughts about our upcoming special election, and some questions for candidate Rob Quist.

Of course, Quist’s popularity is well-deserved with his lifetime of bringing a favored music to any numbers of people in a kind and people oriented persona. And certainly many kudos to his fine humanitarian efforts and long-standing positive influence. But voters need to remember it is quite a horse of another color to “KNOW” how a person sees constitutional government and free enterprise, entrepreneurial incentives with efficiency producing competition — not a government agency strangling us by entrenched, self-serving bureaucrat regulation teamed up with career statists and tenured self-serving civil service thousands. Therefore, in order for Montana voters to cast their preference based on facts, not pure emotion, many questions need to be asked and to which very open and honest answers are given. Here are a few for starters.

FACT: There being such a thing as morals, there has to be a moral giver. We have two choices: God or man. God is never changing, and His love for mankind is certainly total and forgiving. In order for man to have the tools to protect himself from his fallen human nature and to spare him from a lot of misery and hurt (ultimate potential self-destruction), He gave us His Ten Commandments. Man is fickle, subject to emotional self-induced blindness, very open to fads (somebody say political correctness?) and obviously temporary in his value system. How can it be more plain that God’s creation of sex is for male and female to unite in a beautiful blend of togetherness, as well as make the definition of a family which gives security, stability, proper nurturing, mature adult role modeling, teaching of the language/values/manners/civility — the list is huge. Counter that with man’s morals currently having diseases run rampant, the resulting misery at billions of taxpayer expense — all so self-serving man can have his kicks, false sense of joy and pleasure, thus the perverse desire of “have his cake and eat it too.”

Question — So, Rob, from whence cometh your morals?

FACT: There are none so blind as those who won’t see nor so deaf as those who won’t hear. The “why” is oh so simple — fallible, imperfect human nature is very prone to go his own way, be his own boss, makes his own values and is very reluctant to submit to the creator God. This takes desire to mature, effort and creditable help from those well outside his little cocoon.

Question — Rob, how do you explain mankind’s self-induced blindness?

FACT: Your Party is well down the road to revisionist history, erase our Judeo-Christian foundation/culture and dilute our values and traditions with secular, government schools (teaching even first-graders that homosexual is “normal”) and dictating (ramrodding) that we accept umpteen millions of illegals who refuse to assimilate, pursue immediate naturalization, speak English, and put America, their new nation/culture of choice, as top goal and priority. A simple word picture here does wonders to clarify what often just words don’t. Rob, what is your favorite drink — coffee, tea, orange juice? How much of my gallon of water can I add before I destroy your drink?

Question — Are you a lockstep puppet to your party’s scheme to water down our nation/culture by buying votes, which is in combination with corporate buying cheap labor and retailers buying more customers (why does Home Depot have signs in Spanish and phone service requires dialing one for English...)? Might your choice be to play the game and avoid losing PAC re-election funds, don’t dare not to be PC, or just go along to get along?

FACT: Your party thrives on having activist judges for corruption of our Constitution when it’s not possible to get self-destruction dictates (laws) through Congress. The Supreme Court has been dead wrong twice before only to be rescinded later after their crime gets proven intolerably destructive.

Question — Do you not just accept but join the party push for mothers to legally kill their very own babies and the totally inhumane, uncivilized dismembering, part-by-part, of the very alive body?

FACT: The activist Supreme Court has unconstitutionally decreed a very wrong new edict by re-defining the word marriage. Yes, our one-of-a-kind genius Constitution gives us inalienable rights (God-given freedom — not controlling government) to choose our own lifestyle, with whom to live, job choice, engage in whatever moral choices that either benefit or self-destruct and the list is world changing. But, how absurd, insane, ludicrous, self-destructive is the secular, amoral gall and self-induced blindness of these black robed dictators to get away with their stunt (for now anyway).

Question — Are you also a party activist here or will you sidestep, dodge, play political word games to avoid upsetting/antagonizing voters? Truth is commonly an upsetting/disturbing fact, so, how many good folks choose to run from it, bury their heads, pussyfoot around so as to sleep in peace?

FACT: Your party is actively destroying our right to worship the God of the Bible in public but readily accepts worship of any man-made god and preferably no god at all.

Question — Do you agree that controlling government has the right to destroy a citizen’s legal, legitimate, self-supporting business and his life by even getting him sentenced to jail if he doesn’t give up his right for whom to bake a cake or photograph an illegitimate wedding? When there are plenty of other competitive businesses to serve the customer, this is just one more plot to change America which includes 95-98 percent of our citizens who do not have the psychological confusion. Democracy?

FACT: Our current nation/culture splitting public war is the question — what to do in cleaning the D.C. swamp of self-serving, corrupt government controllers (the Establishment)? Honest historians, anthropologists, economists, political scientists detail why the average lifespan of ALL major nation/people groups is only 200 years (i.e. Ethiopians, Babylonians, Greeks, Romans, the British Empire). Some of our ‘experts’ are already predicting our “culture in decay” is soon to see blood in the streets as the American way of accepting voter elections, civilized demonstrations, etc., could well be history.

Question — If elected, you will need some kind of self-discipline to fully study and do what is essential for our survival AND reject putting your self-serving, controlling, “our way or the highway” party over the USA. What is our assurance from you THAT THIS IS the case?

These few questions are just plain reality.

Thank you, Rob, for, “coming clean” and being part of the solution — not the liberal part of the problem.

White is a resident of Kalispell.