Friday, January 31, 2025

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| April 23, 2017 2:00 AM

Hurry, and you can vote by mail

So even though our Helena legislators ignored the wisdom and experience of our county election administrators, you can still vote without going to the polls May 25.

Depending on which county you reside in, it’s fairly easy:

For Lake County residents, you may go in to the Lake County Election Office and request an absentee voter registration by May 1, for a mail-in ballot to be mailed to you. Any questions call the office at 883-7268.

For Flathead County residents, go to the website to print a request for absentee ballot by April 24. Website is

Let’s show the Kelena legislative hypocrites that they cannot monkey with voter turnout. Most of all, remember this when their term is up for re-election. —Nancy T. Glueckert, Polson

Be respectful of our U.S. rights

I am an American woman who supports freedom of speech, religion, to move about as you please, and that men and women are created equal.

I respect and support our military and veterans. We can receive a free education through high school. As citizens, we are protected by our government from harm (physically, mentally or socially). I am respectful to our flag and honor my USA citizenship.

I am concerned for our country, and I respect the office of our president/vice president and our local, state and federal elected officials. I may not always agree or disagree with every decision these offices make, and I have a right to express my concern. I do not believe I have the right to destroy, violate or harm another person or structure if I disagree with said decisions. I believe that vandals should be punished and made to pay for damages instead of burdening businesses or government.

When I was young, I was taught to respect others and their property. Families need to be more involved with each other and taught correct principles and values. Families need support to provide proper direction and good decision-making skills. I believe a strong family unit is essential to a strong government.

As a citizen, I pledge my support and resources to help develop and encourage strong families. We are one nation, under God, and I am thankful to be a Christian who loves being an American. —Christene Adrignola, Rollins

Hat’s off to Little Guys wrestling

On Feb. 25, I attended a Little Guys wrestling tournament held at Glacier High school. What an exciting event. There must have been over 400 young boys and girls participating, with 10 to 15 towns represented. That is just my guess.

Being an old-time wrestler dating back to the 1950s I had reservations about female wrestlers, and that Saturday was the first time I had the opportunity to watch some young ladies and girls in action. I LOVED IT. The competitiveness and aggressive effort put forth in their matches was exciting to watch.

Seeing all these youngsters of all ages compete and show sportsmanship is a breath of fresh air.

My hat’s off to all the volunteers and organizers that put on this tournament. It is a huge undertaking. I was amazed at how smoothly and organized it was. Now for the downside. I could find no mention or coverage of this event in the Inter Lake. Why? As President Trump would tweet, SAD. —Bill Stine, Bigfork

(EDITOR’S NOTE: The Inter Lake runs results of all local athletic events that are provided to us, but unfortunately we cannot staff all those events with a reporter.)

Object to changes proposed for courthouse traffic

We strongly object to the proposed traffic pattern around the courthouse.

Our families have been here for generations, so our feelings and interests are going to be different than the many new comers in our valley. There are so many people that don’t have a sense of what Kalispell truly is. (Not their fault, as they weren’t born and raised here.) We are not California, New Jersey, Texas, etc. This is MONTANA, our home!

The new bypass is a terrific addition and offers a fast direct method of getting around town. Enforce the restrictions that large vehicles do not need to use Main (unless making deliveries, or doing business down town).

If you are in a rush, go bypass, and if you have time to spare, go down Main and enjoy what it has to offer. Appreciate what we are all about.

Many other communities around the country have had to face issues similar to this, and they haven’t sacrificed their history and uniqueness for convenience. Our home must be respected and appreciated!

If they are successful at destroying a very special part of our heritage, what is next, digging up Conrad Cemetery for luxury condos? —Valerie Rose Sollars and Terry Rose Siderius, Kalispell

What’s Christian?

A March 9 letter asked, “What is a Christian?” Better yet, what is a disciple? Jesus told us in Matthew 28:19 to go and make (not Christians), but disciples of all nations. A Christian believes in Christ and has accepted Christ’s sacrifice for his sins. A disciple is a Christian who also learns Christ’s ways and keeps His commandments.

The March 9 letter expounds on Christian virtues and the shortcomings of those who have not met His standard. We have all sinned and fallen short of His standard. The Gospel may be summarized in two commandments Jesus gave a lawyer in Matthew 28:38-40. Love God with all your heart, soul, and mind and love your neighbor as yourself. Unfortunately here is where we stray from scripture.

God loved all sinners so much that He gave His only Son so that we could, through Him, have eternal life. However, God does not love or tolerate their sins. The LGBT people already have the same individual rights that you and I have, but they want special treatment, privileges and legalization for their lifestyle. Even if it means trampling on other people’s rights.

The president has the authority and responsibility to protect the citizens of this nation. It is appropriate to show compassion for refugees and immigrants who are seeking a better life. Subversive elements (individuals/groups) are seeking entry into our country for the purpose of establishing their own laws and enslaving or killing our citizens. Allowing entry might seem compassionate to the refugee, but it certainly would not be compassionate (or Christian) to our affected citizens.

We are not a Christian democratic nation, but a republic. We are governed by the rule of law, not the whims of the multitude at any particular time. Taking action on perceived injustices (as in the previous article) requires that we understand the issues and align ourselves on the right side (WWJD). —Warren Williamson, Lakeside