Friday, January 31, 2025

If we want to save country, common sense must prevail

by Jim Garvey
| August 27, 2017 2:00 AM

There comes a point in time when decent people must stand up for what is right and dismiss the idea that by some kind of action we can literally re-write our way into “A more perfect union.”

For those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it, and unfortunately, we are heading in that direction.

There are two types of people in this country. On the one hand we have the “I want” and on the other hand we have the “I have” and over the past eight years, never the twain shall meet.

The “I wants” have been told they are victims and entitled to compensation for a number of issues dating all the way back to the Civil War and to present day affirmative action. Even the Black Caucus of the Congress of the United States has put forth a bill asking for reparations for blacks over the slavery issue.

On the campuses of our colleges and universities we have blacks demanding separate dorms for housing, separate dining facilities, separate colors for depicting their African heritage and separate spaces for blacks to congregate without other races involved. In other words: reverse discrimination.

On the other hand we have the “I haves” who somehow feel that their hard work and efforts are going down the drain and being replaced with other attributes besides intellect. This group is not restricted to whites only but other marginal ethnic groups that feel they are also being shut out by this push to give the “I wants” some kind of advantage.

So now add into this mix, the crazies that abound in both sides. These are people who have no concept of anything except; you either fall in line with my philosophy and my ideology or we will try to destroy everything that you are. We have seen this tactic in Ferguson, Missouri; Baltimore, Maryland; the University of California at Berkeley (where over $100K in damage was done to public buildings) and most recently the total warring factions that took place in Charlottesville, Virginia.

There is now an anti-American feeling sweeping this country, in the sense that we must tear down everything from our past. This movement is familiar to those of us who remember George Orwell’s “1984,” in which the masses of people were cloned into robots and the entire structure of a civilization was being re-written. From the changing words in the dictionary, to the tearing down of monuments and statues, anything and everything that represents the past is simply being destroyed and replaced with a gender neutral over-view. From gender neutral bathrooms to non-gender children, it can’t be long before we are all raised in a communal nursery and spit out like so many gallons of homogenized milk. All blended together and all placed side by side in this non-gender setting.

We are being led down a terrible road to Hell by a bunch of “Judas Goats” wrapped in the appearance of multi-culturalism and progressivism under the guise of “equality for all.” In reality, that is a lie. For all one has to do is look at Cuba, Venezuela, China, North Korea and the former Soviet Union and those countries in the Middle East controlled by a brutal ideology, with the excuse it is a religion, to see the truth.

I am 77 years and like the rest of my generation, I have seen firsthand the abuses of affirmative action from college entrance exams to exams given to those in the public safety field. All for the sake of equaling out the balance of the races in particular fields of endeavor and not once considering the impact upon society when un-qualified people assume roles of responsibility.

I wonder what the impact would have been between Malcolm X” and Dr. Martin Luther King, had both been allowed to live. For both were reaching out to one another and also reaching out the white community. But instead we wind up with people like Louis Farrakahn and the Nation of Islam, whose vile rhetoric of whites and Jews should not be allowed in the decent circle of humanity. We have CAIR, which was designated as a terrorist group and taken off that list when President Obama assumed office. We have the Muslim Brotherhood in place and members of Congress who belong to that organization. We have Muslim judges installed by former President Obama, and recently one was removed from trying to install “Sharia law” in a certain district in Texas. All this in the name of equality and multi-culturalism, which comes in direct conflict with our Constitution.

Our country is not perfect, but when we allow certain aspects of different ideologies to spew their hateful views of America to the young and unsuspecting minds of “useful idiots” that now abound within our institutions of higher learning, America; we have a problem.

We have a government (The Swamp) that has been allowed to grow and function in a manner in which they feel comfortable, regardless of public opinion and are doing everything under the sun to keep their positions of power and control.

Rational people must once again assume the roles of responsibility within this government and set forth a standard of common sense if we are to continue as a republic. If not, we will certainly fall like the Roman Empire — destruction from within.

Garvey is a resident of Kalispell.