Friday, February 07, 2025

Political correctness rests on a bed of lies

by Larry Metzger
| December 3, 2017 2:00 AM

Have you noticed how some among us, including some in the media, have taken upon themselves the responsibility of assigning character attributes to anyone who professes to hold a differing political and/or cultural view than theirs.

If you admit to being a Republican, a conservative, or a Christian, you are fair game for their lies and will likely be characterized as a racist, a homophobe, a xenophobe, against women’s rights and in general just a hateful person. We who qualify for this persecution know that none of this is true, but these lies are being put out in the public almost daily through the various forms of media, even including the opinion page of our local newspaper, and this is very troubling.

If unsubstantiated lies simply withered and died, then lies such as these would be of little concern but some lies seem to develop a life of their own and must be put down. Adolf Hitler once said: “The great mass of people will more easily fall victim to a big lie than to a smaller one.” Obamacare is a prime example of this principle. An anonymous saying perhaps fits the situation better, “A lie well-spoken and oft repeated, becomes as though the truth to be, and oft a fool doth make of me and thee.” The danger we face is that many of those now repeating these blatant lies have heard and repeated them so many times they can no longer discern the truth.

Therefore, when they call us racist, perhaps we should remind them that Democrats were the major slaveholders who fought for the Confederacy but refused to accept the outcome and passed and enforced the “Jim Crow” laws, not to mention that they started the KKK “to keep them [N-word epithet] in their place.”

The most recent Democratic administration of Barack Obama with his continual racist and grossly biased rhetoric has set race relations back at least 50 years and created a great divide in our nation. Obama’s divisive and unsubstantiated allegations along with those of his bosom buddies Sharpton and Jackson have resulted in the rebirth of the “Black Panthers” now known as “Black Lives Matter,” whose unofficial motto is “Kill the Cops.” That sounds like hate to me.

Then there are the radical left professors who have taken over the majority of our once great college and university system and are indoctrinating and brainwashing our youth with the anti-Christian, anti-social, dogma of cultural Marxism, aka “political correctness.” We have witnessed the sad effect of this, especially during the past year, with students rioting like common criminals just to prevent someone with a differing opinion from speaking on their campus and/or because their side didn’t win the presidential election.

Political correctness is a doctrine of hate for anyone who dares to think differently than its practitioners. Dr. Ben Carson has stated more than once that political correctness is tearing our nation apart, and I for one agree with him.

In summary, it would appear that most of the nastiness attributed to the politically conservative in reality is more appropriate to the liberal left, but we should always remember this is a general trend and cannot be applied on an individual basis. I personally feel that anyone who attempts to define my character using only my political leanings is simply demonstrating their ignorance.

I suggest to all that we take a little advice from the Bible and learn to love our neighbors and do not attempt to judge them lest we be judged ourselves.

Metzger is a resident of Bigfork.