Friday, February 07, 2025

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| December 17, 2017 2:00 AM

Remember the good things in our community

In these times of polarization, conflict and disunity, I want to offer a few comments about what is good in our county.

First, the Flathead’s nonprofits offer a huge amount of services, mostly paid for by private funding (donors, volunteers, and members) including shelters, food, art, history, culture; the list of non-profits is staggering.

The county library system is phenomenal. Books for rent? Free to users? Free wi-fi? Don’t have that book, but we can get it? Childrens’ programs?

The city-county health center provides quality medical and dental care that might not be available otherwise; not just because of the expense of health “insurance” but because it seems many doctors are simply not accepting new patients.

Last, although it seems that we argue among ourselves in the county, and we do, the Flathead is still a good place to live. It might just be time for residents to reflect on what we do enjoy up here.

Oh, and as you Christmas shop? Shop local and thank those truly small businesses who keep most of those dollars in the valley. —Kimberly Pinter, Coram

Thanks for helping us try to find our lost dog

We want to take this time to sincerely thank all the wonderful people of Montana for all of their efforts to bring our little shih-tzu dog Sophie safely home.

We have felt the spirit of caring in all of the volunteers who have searched, lifted our spirits and given us hope these past four months since Sophie has been missing. Your kindness and generosity will always be with us. Your love of animals makes us believe that our hearts truly speak as one and that we feel we have become a part of your community in this journey to find her.

The people of Montana have a quiet strength and love for animals that is based on a deep appreciation of God’s gifts of this great land. We think that is why Sophie has found a special place within your heart, as well. She is a wise and spiritual dog — she is our family — and a part of yours too.

We will continue to search for Sophie. She may be curled up with a family who doesn’t know she is Lost and Loved or she may be escaping the cold in someone’s barn or she may simply just be trying to find her way home. At the beginning of October, Sophie was sighted six times around the Evergreen area almost two months after she went missing from West Glacier area.

Please continue to help us bring Sophie home again. Keep a watchful eye out and please report any sightings of her so our volunteers from KittyMOM’s can help find her. Sophie is microchipped so if you can bring her to a veterinarian or shelter, she can be scanned and returned to us in Florida.

Thank you all again for the giving of your time in finding Sophie. We hope all of you have the very best Christmas and New Year ever. —Jerilyn and Steve Antonacci, Fort Myers Beach, Florida

Vitriol about Judge Moore is part of campaign to stop man of God

The rough and tumble of political debate in our society is well known and accepted to a certain degree, but there are limits that go far beyond good taste.

Michael Merchant breached that limit (Daily Inter Lake letters, Dec. 8) in a knuckle-dragging degenerate way when he said: “I see Roy Moore as a Bible waving pimp and his wife as his chief procurer.” If ever a man deserved to get his face rearranged by an enraged husband this bottom feeder does. This intellectual giant should demonstrate his loud-mouthed convictions with a trip to Alabama and face the man in person with his profound observation. Let’s see how that goes.

As for the gown-up version of 14-year-old Leigh Corfman, Judge Moore’s chief accuser, I feel sorrow for her mental condition and subsequently being taken advantage of by the mainstream media political hacks feeding the Michael Merchants of their socialist rank-and-file true believers with lies. The blind leading the blind with their twisted craving for a godless world where they can freely indulge in the very things they accuse the righteous of.

With reference to “Psycho-Cybernetics” by Maxwell Maltz, it is well known that people can destroy or at least cripple their well being by the things they believe are true in their lives without facts. And when these beliefs are driven deep into the subconscious with emotional force, they take over your life for better or worse. I think Corfman is being used by the mainstream media and the Michael Merchants of the world.

They can’t stand having a man in the Senate who, being a trained lawyer and observer of the facts and testimonies of untold millions that there is a God and we are accountable to Him and believing it unapologetically, would bring those beliefs to the debate on national politics in the Senate. And would dare to honor God by displaying His Ten Commandments in his courtroom. And to say nothing about Judge Moore’s pro-life, anti-sodomite, pro-gun, and male-female pro-creation marriage stance in his intelligent judicial world view.

There has not been one iota of actual material fact or sworn testimony presented by his accusers to substantiate their claim. This is a political hit in a sham trial claiming guilt by accusation. And in my opinion the star witness is an emotionally disturbed, neurotic woman being provoked and manipulated by expert agitators of the communist left.

There’s something twisted in the hearts and minds of those that take delight in the destruction of a good man just because they can’t defeat him intellectually in the political arena.

And finally, Judge Moore had a right and duty to defy orders from on high when they demanded that he violate his conscience and ancient customary conduct by American judges in forcing him to remove the source of all our law — the Ten Commandments — from his courtroom. —Tim Adams, Kalispell

About that wish list: Could we get Trump out of White House?

State Sen. Keith Regier would like to see a less controversial version of the Confederated Salish and Kootenai water compact sent to Washington.

Join the club.

A lot of us would like to see a less controversial tax bill in Washington.

And a lot of us would like to see a far less controversial occupant in the White House. —Steve Newman, Eureka