Friday, February 07, 2025

County to demolish moldy building at landfill

by Lynnette Hintze / Daily Inter Lake
| July 7, 2017 6:55 PM

A decaying building in front of the Flathead County Landfill that once housed Fenders restaurant will be demolished, the county commissioners decided Wednesday.

The county will declare the building surplus property, the official mechanism for proceeding with the demolition.

The county Solid Waste District bought the building — used most recently as a pawn shop — and 1.8 acres in 2015 for $520,000.

About 10 years ago contamination from the groundwater plume emanating from the unlined portion of the nearby landfill made its way to the water well serving the building located at the intersection of U.S. 93 and Disposal Road that leads to the landfill. The contamination was miniscule, less than one part per billion, but required the county to supply a carbon filtration system to the building owner, according to county Public Works Director Dave Prunty.

Attempts to rent the building were unsuccessful, largely because the building is showing signs of wear.

“The building is pretty hammered,” Prunty told the commissioners. “There’s mold in the basement, asbestos in the building, moving it would be very difficult.”

The Solid Waste District board of directors recommended the county declare it surplus and have it demolished over the winter.

Prunty said he’d like to see the demolition to out to bid because it’s difficult to pinpoint how much time county employees would have to finish the project.

“What I don’t want to have happen is to start the project and then we can’t finish it,” he said.

Commissioner Phil Mitchell suggested leaving the concrete basement intact for the most part when the hole is backfilled.

One option for the highway frontage lot is to erect a landfill entrance sign, Prunty said.

Features editor Lynnette Hintze may be reached at 758-4421 or