Thursday, February 27, 2025

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| July 16, 2017 2:00 AM

Running for C-Falls mayor

I am a mayoral candidate for the city of Columbia Falls. I served in the United States Army, received an honorable discharge and commendations including the Freedom Team Salute commendation for outstanding military service and many years of service in the American Legion.

After I moved to Seattle, I started a successful recycling company that was purchased by Seattle’s trash hauler, Rabanco, and then went to work for Rabanco managing my former company and their Excelsior manufacturing company in Renton, Washington. The Pony Express Corporation offered and I accepted a terminal manager position in Everett, Washington. I retired and moved to Columbia Falls in 2009.

If elected, I will be a pro-active full-time mayor and will ask the City Council to amend the city charter creating a full-time mayor’s position, to give the mayor the authority to negotiate with industrial companies, request the City Council to close the city business office and transfer those duties to the mayor. Existing and new departments would become part of the mayor’s staff.

In addition, it is hoped this will attract industry with high paying “blue collar” jobs. Industrial infrastructure and road grid is a requirement, and I would propose a new department and a city tax to accomplish that goal:

- Engineering Department to maintain the city’s infrastructure, roads and bridges. Water and sewers will remain with the Public Works Department.

- Business and Occupation (B+O) Tax

The voters have to make a decision: reject my candidacy and remain a tourist destination and farming community with low-paying jobs OR accept my candidacy, proposals and B+O Tax and become a business and industrial center providing high-paying jobs and opportunities for entrepreneurs.

This election is about change, jobs and the future of the city of Columbia Falls. Please vote. If you don’t vote, you don’t count. —John Rallis, Columbia Falls

Suggestions for Montana voters

After reading Rep. Matt Regier’s letter of May 26 regarding the RINO “scalawags” infesting the Statehouse, I offer the following suggestions to Montana voters.

First, teach your children to think for themselves, which will negate the progressives’ propaganda being force fed by “No Child Left Behind” and “Common Core” curricula in public schools.

As to the fake Republicans ensconced in Helena:

1. Identify the problem — fork-tongued Republicans

2. Fix the problem — Do not re-elect.

3. If you can’t fix the problem, eliminate it — Party discipline measures.

4. If this doesn’t work, live with it.

I recommend No. 3 followed by No. 2. The Good Book teaches “the integrity of the upright guides them, but the unfaithful are destroyed by their duplicity (Proverbs 11:3). —Willie Douglass, Marion

Name-calling does not resolve grievances

Amendment I. “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

Synopsis: The first 10 amendments comprise the Bill of Rights. The First Amendment protects religious freedom by prohibiting the establishment of an official or exclusive church or sect. Free speech and free press are protected, although they can be limited for reasons of defamation, obscenity, and certain forms of state censorship, especially during wartime. The freedom of assembly and petition also covers marching, picketing and pamphleteering. (Source: U.S. Senate)

Children are born without bigotry, anger, hate or antithetical attitudes. These types of behavior are learned from parents, neighbors, teachers, government/civic leaders and media.

Freedom of speech does not endorse defamation or obscenity. Those of you who serve the public — elected officials, appointed officials, or employed by — owe the public a high level of moral principles and ethics while enacting your designated objectives.

During recent elections, public meetings and forums, you have demonstrated extreme impertinent behavior examples to us, the public you serve, and to our children. You have used freedom of speech as your validation. Many public school teachers can attest to the influence of your interpretation of freedom of speech. Students use freedom of speech to justify disrespect towards their teachers and fellow students — and property!

Please take time to read and comprehend what the First Amendment entitles — and what the First Amendment limits! Please set exemplary examples of how grievances can be addressed and resolved without the name-calling or disrespectful behavior to the public, the issue and the objective. —Miriam Emerson, Kalispell

Set an example for the rest of the country

Has civility and respect disappeared from our country?

From the top down we have experienced belligerent behavior from our elected officials with a trickle down effect to our own Flathead Valley. The election ads on both sides are not only nasty but filled with many inaccurate accusations. Our media dwells on the negative to create sensationalism to capture their audience. What has happened to respecting opposing views without the hateful rhetoric thrown at those that have differing views?

The silent majority must not allow this type of behavior to continue. What kind of example are we setting for generations that follow ours? Please be respectful of diversity and embrace the values that we are so blessed in this valley to share. It’s time to be an example to the rest of the country. —Linda Olson, Whitefish