Friday, January 31, 2025

Time to post warnings about tricky rapid

| July 18, 2017 7:42 PM

About a week ago the Daily Inter Lake reported on the dangers of a hazardous rapid on the North Fork of the Flathead River known as Shelf Rapid.

The spot is a drop in the river just below the end of the asphalt on the North Fork Road and a half-mile above Glacier Rim where rocks under the water cause a shift in the water flow.

Rafts can get caught in a circulating eddy below the rapid where a changing current holds the front of the craft while the back end continues forward. Rafts often flip over here, dumping their contents into the river’s chilling waters — a scenario that has played out multiple times this summer alone.

Sadly, a Minnesota man drowned Friday in this exact location when he and two others were tossed from their raft when it hit the shelf. The occupants were not wearing life vests.

Flathead National Forest spokesperson Janette Turk told us last week that the Forest Service is aware of the problems at the rapid, and that they are discussing ways to help educate people before they put in.

It’s time to make that happen.

A simple warning sign posted at frequently used launch points could be all it takes to prevent another tragedy. While locals may know the rapid well, visitors or new rafters would be well-served by such notification.

Friday’s accident is also a stark reminder about the importance of wearing a life vest when playing on the water. It’s not enough to have a PFD in the boat — buckle it up, every time.