Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Dog used to defend parking rights

| June 22, 2017 6:12 PM

Two women allegedly got into an argument over a parking spot on Second Avenue West North. The first woman allegedly attempted to park her vehicle in front of the second woman’s home when the argument began. The homeowner insisted that she had a right to at least one parking space in front of her home and threatened to “let her dog out of the yard” if the driver did not move. The driver moved her car as the homeowner was allegedly getting her water hose. Kalispell Police officers informed the homeowner upon arrival that she was not entitled to a street parking spot in front of her home and that she was not allowed to tell people to move.

Two men, one allegedly without a shirt, were reportedly seen in Depot Park trying to pick fights with people walking by. Alcohol was believed to be involved.

A woman in a sundress was reportedly seen attempting to loosen a park bench to move it at Woodland Park.

Someone reportedly witnessed a fight break out on Ninth Street East after the occupants of two vehicles allegedly decided to express their road rage physically. Three men and one woman reportedly got out of the two vehicles and began punching each other. Their rage satisfied, the group left the scene prior to officers’ arrival.

In a separate road rage incident on South Meridian Road, five people allegedly got out of two vehicles after stopping in the middle of the road and began “hitting and choking each other.” The four females and one male allegedly involved in the fight were all cited for disorderly conduct and released.

A man reportedly stole flowers out of a woman’s flowerbed on Rising Sun Circle.

Two men were reportedly caught on video stealing hand tools from a business on Third Avenue East.

Someone allegedly stole a fishing rod and prescription medication from a vehicle parked off U.S. 93 North.

A woman reportedly became involuntarily involved in a street race when a passenger car decided to race her down U.S. 93 South, preventing her from changing lanes. Police contacted the owner of the vehicle who claimed to have loaned it out to a friend and promised to talk to him about his driving behavior.

A 60-year-old man was reported for approaching a 16-year-old girl while she was doing yard work at her home. The man allegedly offered the girl a job and “home grown candy” if she would wear shorts. The man was described as bald and wearing a hooded sweatshirt, according to the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office.

An Old English bulldog was found on Sixth Street West in Columbia Falls and taken to the Flathead County Animal Shelter.

Someone was reported for pulling up flowers at a school in Evergreen.

A break in and burglary were reported at a store on U.S. 93 South.

A man reported being threatened over social media by his former Uber driver who lives in Florida. The man allegedly threatened to “come up from Florida to kill [the reporting person]’s ugly [expletive]” over a $90 Uber ride.

A resident of Forest Drive reported his neighbor’s hedge for growing too high.

A “wiener dog” allegedly attempted to get someone’s chickens. The reporting person said the dog looked dehydrated but was friendly.

A resident of Elk Springs Lane was reportedly visited by a large black horse wearing a halter and dragging a lead. The horse’s owner was found and the horse returned home safely.

A man reportedly approached a woman’s residence stating he was answering an ad for “sexual favors.”

A black and white female Siberian husky was found on Stoner Creek Road and taken to the county shelter.

A woman reported her engagement ring stolen after leaving it in a bathroom where she said she took it off to wash her hands.

A camper parked on Bitterroot Lane was reportedly broken into and prescriptions medications taken.

Two toddlers reportedly ate mushrooms growing in their yard. The boys showed no sign of poisoning from their homegrown snack.

Suspected drug activity was reported on South Hilltop Road.

A man was reported for smoking in the bathroom on a plane. The man was counseled on the dangers of smoking on an aircraft.

A resident of 13th Street West said he received an unsolicited adult film in the mail and requested Columbia Falls Police take a look at it.

A woman was reported for throwing eggs at people outside of a grocery store before getting into a white station wagon and driving away.

Residents of Bay Point Drive reported four individuals for knocking on their door. When the reporting person’s husband went to the door, the group allegedly left. About 30 minutes later, the group allegedly returned and knocked again but ran away when the man went to the door yelling. A short time later, the group allegedly returned and knocked a third time. The man sat on his porch the rest of the night, but the group did not return.

A black bear was reportedly spotted on Fairway Drive.