Friday, February 07, 2025

No headline

| May 14, 2017 2:00 AM

Shame on who?

On May 8 a full-page ad stated SHAME ON YOU and listed the names of 10 elected officials. These officials legally followed procedures, and a valid vote determined the voting process for the congressional election.

I am proud of how our democratic process is fair and listens to all people. One side will always lose. I am so disappointed in the party that chooses to defame others whenever the vote does not go their way. That party needs to accept the vote and show the respect to those of differing views. That’s the American way.

SHAME ON YOU needs to point the finger at themselves instead of criticizing 10 people for properly and legally deciding a question. The election procedure has been decided, and mud-slinging is just that; mud-slinging. —Susan Stark, Kalispell

Stop demonizing Greg Gianforte

I am not a millionaire. I chose to work for someone else for wages and that worked out well for me. I chose security over risk. I worked hard and in return received a fair wage. That was all I expected.

I get so tired of liberal politicians whining and demonizing millionaires. Most millionaires are people who worked hard and took risks in order to succeed. They create jobs and benefit many. Greg Gianforte is a good example with the high-paying jobs he created in Montana.

The other thing Montana liberal politicians try to demonize is out-of-staters. I was born in Montana and see it as a privilege. I have no animosity toward out-of-staters. Most of the people I know are out-of-staters, but they are Montanans. When I hear a liberal wanna-be politician like Rob Quist demonizing Greg Gianforte, I have heard enough. Quist doesn’t mention that if he gets elected that will be his key to the millionaires club or at least a very lucrative income and retirement. But he is one of us and he’s not in it for the money — right? —Richard Hembd, Columbia Falls

Quist stands up for Montanans

Rob Quist has deep Montana values, always has had them, and always will have them. Those values will serve him well to honor all Montanans. Because we know him, and he knows us, it is so important to support him in this crucial election to elect the only Montanan in the U.S. House of Representatives.

It is our right, our duty and obligation to pay attention to what’s being said in this election. Every day I’m hearing what issues Rob Quist is supporting and this man’s good reasons for doing so.

What I’m hearing on the other side, however, are negative ads lacking the truth about our good Montana man. The fact-checker should be “beeping” loud warnings to us because this is not American. Our health, our hard times, our unemployment, our lack of opportunity and much more: our families’ kids education, jobs and future are at stake. Millionaires take care of themselves, but as Rob says, “We must fight for Montana values.”

Our country is based on allowing different opinions and being free to vote our own choices. We must and will do this. Never forget that it is also our duty to evaluate that choice on as much truth as we can allow our open minds to find. Please remember that.

Our choice means nothing if we don’t vote, so to make that choice count, above all we absolutely must vote! —Alice Fisher Blood, Rollins

Gianforte for Congress

Isn’t it interesting how perceptions differ among friends? My parents had three kids. I was the oldest at six and my youngest brother was only 6 months old when my dad died. He had a $1,000 insurance policy and we added a bedroom to my grandma’s house in Walkerville and moved in with her and my aunt and uncle. Mom got a job at the Montana Power Co. in Butte. My Aunt Anne took care of us. There was never a thought of looking to the government for welfare or a handout.

My husband Stan’s parents moved to Helena from California with five kids. His dad died when Stan was 13. His oldest brother was in the Navy at the time and had to return to his base they day after the funeral. The next two boys worked after school to add to living expenses. Their mom stayed at home with the youngest boy and girl. Social Security was not enough to sustain them financially, so work was the answer. Today it seems the easy way for many people is to seek help from the government (47 million on food stamps).

People like Greg and Susan Gianforte learned at an early age that to become successful you had to work. They moved from New Jersey (as we are often told) to risk starting a new technology company in Bozeman. After great success they sold it, and thanks to their largess gave millions to education at Montana State University and established many scholarships for students.

How could anyone even begin to doubt how hard work for Greg and his wife Susan didn’t earn them some reward?

Stan and I fully intend to back him in his quest for Congress. We need people like him that know how to manage money and work with others. We hope you’ll agree and vote for him on May 25. —Beverly Fisher, Bigfork

Seniors and non-seniors can get mail ballots

I called the office of the election department in Kalispell, after reading Mr. Sid Anderson’s letter to the editor May 11. Mr. Anderson implied that seniors had to stand in line to vote and that they could not vote by sending in their ballot, but all anyone actually needs to do is request a mail-in ballot.

Mr. Anderson, I hope this relieves your mind that everyone can vote. I hope you do your research in the future so as not to panic our seniors, as I am one myself. I was also informed that the Kalispell Senior Citizens Center is set up right now if a senior would like to go and vote now and that way they do not need to stand in any line. The Election Department’s phone number is 758-5535 for information. They are very helpful there. —Kari Lincoln, Lakeside

It’s cheap to buy Montana, when Big Money from out-of-state tries to influence our elections. Our media market is small. They can afford to buy lots of negative ads and think they can get a wannabe Montanan from New Jersey MIS-representing Montana in Washington, D.C.

If you are making your choice of candidate based on TV, you are being bought. Think again. Back in D.C., the crony political insiders are cheering. The wealthy wonks want one of their own, who will let your interests down and stand with them instead.

Fortunately, Montana often shows the country we aren’t for sale. I hope that will be the case on May 25. —Carolyn Beecher, Ronan

Vote for Quist

The hypocrisy of letter writers supporting New Jerseyite Gianforte is astounding.

Gianforte’s entire campaign, and that of his dark money-fueled PAC, is to discredit Rob Quist because of his inability to pay some unforeseen medical expenses. Republicans seem to think that disqualifies Mr. Quist from holding office. It seems a bit ironic given that these same folks all voted for Donald Trump, a cretin of an individual — an admitted sexual predator — who brags about his (at least) FOUR bankruptcies and his practice of not paying his own bills (“It’s smart business”). He has stiffed contractors and tradesmen by the hundreds on his construction projects. He has been sued more than 2,500 times for non-payment of bills. Then he countersues those he owes money knowing they can’t afford the legal fees to defend themselves against his team of attorneys. Nice role model.

Rob Quist is a Montana icon who has brought immeasurable joy and happiness to people his entire adult life. Some of my fondest memories of the 1970s involve M2WB and Fort Kalispell, Aber Day, the River Bottom Boogies in Polson and the Retta Mary on Flathead Lake. From the ’70s forward he and his bands have brought people of all stripes together, not just in Montana, but around the world. Their music, and the message behind it, has consistently united us despite income, political affiliation, religion or race. From Missoula to Miles City, from Larsland to Laurel, we are all better for having been exposed to this talented man and his gifts. His proven communication skills and ability to relate to people across the spectrum will serve us well in Washington.

The science-denying one-percenter from Jersey with no discernible message other than negativity, well, not so much. I say buy local, vote local. Put Quist in the Congress. —Brian Wood, Whitefish