Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Lake County seeks volunteers for boards

| November 2, 2017 7:12 PM

Lake County currently seeks volunteers for the following Boards. Positions begin on January 1, 2018. If you have questions about the area of jurisdiction for a particular board or to obtain an application, please check with Lake County Planning Dept.


This Board advises the Lake County Commissioners on planning issues. The Board regularly meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 7 pm to review and make recommendations on subdivision proposals and to work on long range planning documents. Applicants from all parts of the county are encouraged to apply. Volunteers must reside in the area over which the Lake County Planning Board has jurisdiction.


This Board hears and decides on zoning related issues such as conditional uses, variances, and appeals. Board members work closely with Lake County Planning Department staff and have the opportunity to interpret and apply zoning regulations for the citizens of Lake County. The Board typically meets on the second Wednesday of each month at 4 pm. Applicants from all parts of the county over which this Board has jurisdiction are encouraged to apply.


Lake County seeks volunteers for this Board, who must reside within the County portion of the Polson City-County Planning Area. This Board advises the City and County on planning issues, including subdivisions, special use permits, and zoning regulations, within the Polson City-County Planning Area. The Board typically meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6pm.


This Commission is comprised of a mix of citizen volunteers and County officials who have the authority to respond to development applications in the Kings Point, Melita Island/Labella Lane, and South of Ronan Zoning Districts. Meetings are arranged at such time as there are items for consideration. Citizen member volunteers must be residents from one of the three zoning districts involved.

Submit a letter of interest and a completed application for the specific Board in which you are interested to Lake County Planning on or before December 6, 2017. Mention experience that may be relevant to review of land use or growth management. The Planning Dept. may be contacted at 106 4th Avenue East, Polson, MT 59860, phone (406) 883-7235, fax (406) 883-7205, or email planning@lakemt.gov