Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Education: What has been happening to it? and why?

by Clarice Ryan
| October 22, 2017 2:00 AM

In 1992 the earth-changing Rio Conference launched Agenda 21, sustainability and the march towards the New World Order. This was also the year we retired and moved from Chicago to Montana, where I became aware of the national decline in the education system. It had been happening for years, resulting in a trend toward home schooling. All was driven by a plan that had been under international development by power-hungry global schemers seeking world control. They are requiring modification of minds, souls and behavior of human populations worldwide. Their intricately detailed plan claims that human activity is harmful to the environment, thus stimulating public alarm and dedication to “save the earth” projects.

Al Gore’s global warming theory, presumably caused by excessive CO2, primarily targets auto exhaust and power generation from burning fuels. Under claims of urgency, severe restrictions have been applied to natural resource use and energy production. Although the science has not yet been proven, related corrective policies are already firmly in place. Consequently lowered standards of living occur for prosperous countries while providing special concessions and financial assistance to poorer nations. This redistribution-of-wealth attack penalizes our successful free enterprise system and form of government.

Education is the key component in implementing this overall scheme. Schools staffed with psychologists and newly trained teachers provide “early in life” indoctrination to accept and drive new concepts and establish global continuity of believers. Devoid of proven science, precautionary regulations and restrictions have been forced upon business and industry. The media quickly adapted to demands for propagandized and highly regulated “news and knowledge.” All has been carefully planned and implemented according to hidden agenda and goal with nothing left to chance or coincidental timing.

My personal opinions and philosophies concerning education changes have been formed over years of observation and extensive hindsight while questioning the motives. It all started during the Great Depression with five students in a one-room school, continued through college and ultimately led to a career in industry functioning under our traditional capitalistic system. Since the 1960s I watched our schools start diverting from teaching the basics for productive lives under the free-enterprise system, to preparing for service jobs and careers in social services. Both require vocational skills. As philosophies change, so does the form of government. Now education is primarily geared to teaching and preparing for New World Order goals which eliminate capitalism.

Due to lowered standards for high-school graduation, colleges must also lower their entry level requirements in order to maintain enrollments and student fee revenues. The Montana Board of Education reports that 45 percent to 50 percent of incoming college students now require remedial classes in order to handle college-level courses. Their parents have been paying taxes of which over two-thirds goes toward cost of education amounting to $10,000 per year per child for 12 or more years. Then they pay college tuition for remedial courses in English and math, basics that should have been learned at K-12 levels. SCHOOLS SHOULD BE SUED! The education system at lower levels should be held accountable for “malpractice and fraud”’ for giving passing grades to young people incapable of passing college entry exams, or even applying for a job.

Schools seek to provide “self-esteem” while no longer acknowledging excellence or honoring valedictorians, which is deemed unfair and cause for hurt feelings. Actually performance to the best of one’s ability provides realistic achievement satisfaction deserving of recognition. Meanwhile a child granted easy self-esteem must eventually learn that life involves competition as in athletics and job search. Employers, who are end consumers of the education system, generally seek the best qualified applicant for the job. Promotions should be on merit not longevity.

Rising tuition costs along with repercussions from student-loan pay-back commitments are deterrents to seeking advanced education. It financially delays marriage, raising a family, career development and ultimately saving for one’s own retirement and old-age. Many companies are now forcing early retirement, reducing fringe benefits and retirements, which adds personal financial burden at all stages of life.

Employers are finding that a college certificate does not necessarily assure better qualified job applicants. Increasing demand for both high tech and trade skills, not requiring college degrees, has also changed the game. Social studies and training for government, environment and teaching positions generally do not lend themselves to entering the profit-oriented business world. Ray Thompson, owner of Semitool, told me about 20 years ago, he goes to countries like Poland to find skilled engineers with high work ethic. Wall Street Journal repeatedly features articles concerning shortages of qualified applicants for specialized fields. This may lead to more efficient computerized learning and on-the-job training. Are we headed towards unused buildings on ghost-town campuses, or will educators adjust to meet the demands?

Let’s watch California as well as major cities such as Chicago. California has always led the way in high-income levels and ideal place to live, raise and educate children. Unfortunately the state is now experiencing self-inflicted decline into defiant rioting and a disgusting, supersensitive sub-culture. They fiercely pursue self-gratifying causes such as compassion, diversity, gender modification, etc. Unable to console themselves over unexpected consequences, they fail to recognize reality, accept cause and effect, or assume responsibility. Will the rest of the country follow or will we learn from California if and when it succeeds in seceding from the United States?

May we seek God’s help and guidance in our country’s troubling times.

Clarice Ryan is a resident of Bigfork.