Friday, January 31, 2025

Nation's woes just worsen

by Mike Donohue
| October 22, 2017 2:00 AM

Heroes never get paid. If a football player wants to be one, just quit. Give up your career and your multi-million dollar job for your beliefs. Soldiers do that. Bakers do that. But the NFL gets on its knees? I guess it’s appropriate. They tried to impose third-gender restrooms in Texas, along with Facebook and Google. Is that benevolence or arrogance?

If I went to a Jewish baker in a Nazi uniform and demanded a gas chamber be decorated on my wedding cake, do I have a right to force him to do that? Apparently, yes! Or does common sense declare it hideous, foul, and evil. The spirit of the law declares it unconstitutional. The letter of the law declares it acceptable.

America is bankrupted by greed and cowardice. If it continues, we are justifiably doomed, as much as the dinosaur. Why was Chelsea Manning exonerated from high treason? Barack Obama released him on his last day in the White House, and permitted him to mutilate his sex at the taxpayers’ expense. Obama also illegally wiretapped Donald Trump as he ran for president of the United States. That is a high crime.

Why do we build more and more prisons and send marijuana smokers there? The law no longer protects common people, and as Lincoln stated, “God must love the common people, because he made so many of them.”

So, why get on your knees with multi-millionaire athletes who worship a god of wealth, power, and influence. Freedom apparently no longer exists in this nation for the common man.

Donohue is a resident of Kalispell.