Friday, February 07, 2025

Woman reports flags in her yard

| September 4, 2017 9:44 PM

A resident of East Second Street reportedly walked outside to find that “all the flags in the neighborhood” had been put in her yard, according to Whitefish Police Department. The woman was unsure whether the flags were “some kind of symbol” or a joke.

A resident of East Third Street reported the theft of one bike and damage to another and to their fence.

Four rental bikes were reportedly stolen from a business on Wisconsin Avenue.

Someone reported seeing a trailer full of bicycles parked next to the main entrance of a subdivision.

An attempted break-in was reported on Columbia Avenue. The homeowner reportedly heard someone trying to get into the house and then saw a vehicle speed away.

A group of foreign exchange students was reportedly seen arguing loudly and throwing chairs in front of a motel. The students reportedly cleaned up and went home.