Friday, January 31, 2025

What if the political shoe were on other foot?

by David R. James
| April 1, 2018 2:00 AM

It is time for a practical lesson on tribalism over patriotism in U.S. politics today.

Imagine this scenario: Hillary Clinton is president. It’s learned that she has deep ties to Putin. Every U.S.intelligence agency reveals a vast Russian effort to help her win the election; yet, she does nothing to stop Russian interference in U.S. elections.

She puts utterly unqualified billionaires in Cabinet posts, many of whom loath the department in which they are the head. Many of them have suspicious ties to the Kremlin, but swore under oath of no such thing, in spite of evidence to the contrary. In spite of four members of her staff begin indicted on federal charges — two of which have pled guilty, the Democrats attack the FBI investigators, the FBI and the federal courts who have the temerity to question her behavior.

She puts her daughter Chelsea in a position of influence in the West Wing. And Chelsea’s husband is her chief adviser and in charge of Middle East peace, liaison to China, Mexico and Iraq. Hillary refuses to release any tax returns, in spite of tradition and some obvious conflicts of interest.

Hillary blocks access to the visitor logs in the White House. Every other weekend she flies to her privately owned hotel and golf course, where she is accompanied by an entourage of Secret Service at public expense while receiving income from people who want to get next to her for some special treatment by staying in her luxury hotel.

AND, in an interview, she names the wrong country she bombed while bragging about the chocolate cake she was eating at the time of the bombing. And then she threatens nuclear holocaust on another country without justifiable cause. Additionally, when a neo-Nazi protest results in rioting and loss of life she points out that many of the neo-Nazis were good people. She supports a pedophile running for a U.S. Senate seat from Alabama, a man who was kicked out of the Alabama Supreme Court twice for not following the Constitution and pardons a sheriff that cost his county $43 million in civil suits for prisoner abuse.

The point is that the outrage, the outcries, the screaming by Republicans would be heard around the world and impeachment proceedings would already be underway. “Fox and Friends” would be having a cow ... and Breitbart? I hear the screeching from Montana.

James is a resident of Eureka.