Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Land use tops Kalispell council agenda

by Peregrine Frissell Daily Inter Lake
| April 15, 2018 8:18 PM

The Kalispell City Council will convene on Monday evening at 7 to give final approval to a six-lot commercial subdivision near the intersection of Treeline Road and Old Reserve Drive, among other things.

The subdivision, known as Treeline Center Subdivision, was given preliminary approval in May of last year. It is on a 6.8 acre tract of land, and city staff said all the conditions given in the preliminary approval have been met or otherwise addressed, so they recommend the council approve the project.

Here’s what else is coming up at Monday night’s meeting:

- A slight change to water regulation language is coming up for a vote. The new regulations will point people to the city’s Standards for Design and Construction for specific regulations, rather than including them in the regular municipal rules and regulations.

- The council is also voting on a resolution that will declare their intent to use bonds to repay a loan they will take from the State Revolving Loan Fund to finance the Westside interceptor project. The project will install new sewer pipes to alleviate burdens on an already stressed system and accommodate increasingly dense development on open space to the west and north of town.

- Skadi Properties, LLC is requesting a two-year extension of their preliminary approval for the Cliff View subdivision, which would create three lots ranging in size from 7,900 square feet to 10,800 square feet on the west end of Mile High Court. City staff has recommended the council approve the extension.

- The mayor is also declaring April 27, 2018 as Arbor Day, and encourages all citizens “to participate in appropriate activities and take advantage of the benefits of the parks and other natural areas in our community.

Reporter Peregrine Frissell can be reached at (406) 758-4438 or