Friday, January 31, 2025

Time for liberals to get off Trump's back and govern

by Mark Agather
| January 28, 2018 2:00 AM

When are the liberals going to finally give up pursuing fairy tales designed to get President Trump impeached and get on with their job of governing our country? He is going to be our president for at least three more years so it’s time to get over the shock of the election and move on.

The latest fake news stories trying to paint our president as incompetent are a good case in point. The televised coverage of the immigration debate leaves little doubt Trump is not only competent but fully in control, as he artfully led the discussion in constructive and positive ways.

I know he presents a sharp contrast to former President Obama, who appeared to many of us as non-engaged, reclusive (except for night TV shows) and afraid of confrontation, which altogether made him as “incompetent” as any leader in recent history. In addition, if liberals want to start an “incompetency discussion,” they should do so in their own ranks. After all, Dianne Feinstein is certainly entering into senility, Maxine Waters borders on the crazy fringe and for incompetency Nancy Pelosi is in a class all to herself. Add to that the antics of (faux Republican) McCain and Charles Schumer as well as numerous others, and it is quite clear incompetency is firmly established inside the ranks of the Democratic Party itself.

It’s not the incompetency of Trump that the liberals are really upset about; it is his effectiveness. He is making Congress work again and he is cleaning up the numerous messes Obama left for him quickly and efficiently. He is getting our country competitive with the rest of the world and through his leadership he has put through a tax plan that will benefit the vast majority of the middle class in this country.

So if that’s “incompetency” all I can say is, let’s have a lot more of it.

Mark Agather is a resident of Kalispell.