Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Emergency registers too low on Richter scale

| May 9, 2018 2:00 AM

Someone called the Kalispell Police Department to report an earthquake. The individual did not need any assistance.

A man called to report a trespasser on his property, who just happened to be his mother. An officer advised the man to see a judge for a no-contact order.

Someone called to report two females passed out inside a vehicle. The window is open and they were unresponsive. The driver seemed to be slightly conscious. Police escorted a juvenile female back to the station, as well as a six-week-old kitten.

Police investigated a reported theft involving a corn dog and where the clerks chased the person from the store. The store employee didn’t wish to file charges, but wanted the person to stay out of the location if he was found.

A person called to report two men hanging out in the church parking lot. The person could hear them coughing, believed they were smoking marijuana because she said she knows what it sounds like when people are smoking weed and coughing. Police checked the men and they were moved along.

A person called the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office to report what was believed to be a case of animal cruelty involving cattle. When a deputy investigated, he found some of the cow-calf pairs were lactating, which could explain a loss of weight. The other cattle were slightly underweight but not of true concern. The rancher explained that once some of his other pastures greened up more, he would move the animals there. The deputy said he would follow up in the future.

Someone called to report a person in distress inside a parked car, but when a Columbia Falls Police Department officer checked, it turned out the man fell asleep while using the WiFi connection.

Some burned food set off a residential fire alarm. Everything was fine.