Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Man runs rampant over stubborn treadmill

| May 15, 2018 2:00 AM

A person called the Kalispell Police Department to report a man acting erratic and throwing things into the road. When police spoke to him, he said he was upset because he couldn’t remove a treadmill from his house and smashed his finger. He did calm down and was cleaning up the mess when police left.

A man called to report that someone was living under a tree on his property. Police said they would do extra patrol.

A person called to report a bunch of kids outside yelling and screaming. Police determined it was a group of “wild” girls who were outside.

Someone turned in a credit card they found in an automated teller machine at the bank.

A man and a woman were ordered to leave the parking lot of an area business after an employee found them sleeping on an air mattress.

A suspicious truck was sitting out front of a house. It turned out to be a father dropping off his daughter and they were talking.

Someone called to report a man sleeping outside the front door of the post office. The man eventually gathered his belongings and left.

Police spoke to a woman who was possibly being harassed by three men. She said the men were her friends and she was fine.

A person called to report two people who were allegedly pepper sprayed by two boys in the park. No suspects were located. The two people weren’t injured.

Someone dropped off a wallet they had found in the street. Police were going to call the owner.

A man called to report that someone had apparently loosened the lug nuts on his daughter’s vehicle. She was reportedly threatened by others at school.

A person called to report an apparently homeless woman with a dog and a purple suitcase sleeping on a bench near a school. The woman said she was waiting for the bank to open and she would be on her way.

Someone called the Columbia Falls Police Department to report a vulgar sign in a yard that his kids saw while he was driving them to school. He was upset because he had to explain what it meant. The owner agreed to flip the sign.

A person called to report receiving a counterfeit $20 bill. The suspect had left the store.

A 13-year-old black lab-shepherd mix had a brief stay in the county shelter before being reunited with his owner.

A stolen credit card was used to make several purchases in Columbia Falls before a stop was put on it.

A person called the Whitefish Police Department to report a suspicious person who keeps coming into a hotel and eats the complimentary breakfast. He also goes down the hall and checks the door knobs to the rooms.

Someone called to report a bullying incident apparently involving one boy hitting another with a toy gun. An officer counseled all parties on bullying and leaving children unattended.

A person called the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office to report a brown bear on his property. It was moving slow and the person thought it may have been sick. A deputy checked and found the bear dead. The state Fish, Wildlife and Parks were notified.

Someone called to report that a mountain lion was on their roof. The person said the geese and birds at the neighbor’s house were going crazy.

A person called to report a van slowly towing a house on wheels that looked very unsafe. The person said the driver kept stopping to check the load.

Someone called to report a black tarp that appeared to have something wrapped in it. When a deputy checked, it turned out to be just a black tarp and nothing more.

A person called to report a horse that had strolled down their driveway. The gelding was tied up at their home, waiting for its owner to call.