Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Emotions bubble over on date night

| May 17, 2018 2:00 AM

A restaurant manager reported to the Kalispell Police Department throwing a man out after he apparently “freaked out” on another customer, throwing food all over the place and then grabbed a woman’s soda and spilled it in her food. The woman left and the man took off running toward her. Later, it was reported that they both got into vehicle and left the area.

Someone called to report a man possibly driving drunk. He was driving a Chevy Tahoe and was passed out in the drive-through lane. The man did wake up and left the scene.

A person called to report a transient camp on college property. He said he believed two men were setting up camp about 200 yards south of the bridge. When an officer spoke with the man, he said had a tarp up to keep the sun off his back. He was making his way to Glacier Park and would be moving along in a few hours.

A woman called to report she had a ring and a watch stolen. The ring was a gift from her now-deceased husband. It was silver and had six small diamonds. The watch had a pink strap. She provided information about a possible suspect.

Someone reported being bitten by another man. The victim refused medical treatment.

A person called to report a woman who yelled “stop, don’t touch me” was physically dragged away by a man. She apparently begged him to not take her. They soon went their separate ways.

A man called to report his handgun missing and believes his homeless, couch-surfing son may have taken it. The man wanted to make a report in case something happened with the gun.

Someone called to report a front door of a business was smashed out. A neighbor reported seeing a man with a weedeater hit a rock, shattering the window.

A woman called to report a man has been leaving messages that he going to kill her and she believes him. She said he is strung out on meth. An officer gave her several options and told her where there were shelters.

A person called to report finding drug paraphernalia and knives in a rented room. Police couldn’t remove the marijuana pipe until knowing if the person has a medical marijuana card.

Someone called the Whitefish Police Department to report a marmot in the doorway of an area business. An officer reported the animal was taken into custody.

A person called to report a pickup truck with a boat backed into the water with the keys locked inside while it was still running at the city beach boat launch. They were told to call a tow company.

A school administrator called to report a concerned parent took photos of a vehicle where a woman was pulling a young girl to a car and was resisting. It turned out the woman was an authorized family friend who was picking up her daughter.

A person called to report a man in a diesel pickup at a boat ramp revving his engine and flipping people off. The person was parked waiting for a licensed driver to assist in getting the vehicle.

A person called the Columbia Falls Police Department to report a woman who was walking around the store asking people to buy her cigarettes. When an officer arrived, she was gone.

A person called the Flathead County Sheriff’s Office to report that someone driving a blue Chevy sedan did a 360-degree spin on U.S. 2. The person believed that the driver was drinking.

Someone called to report dogs that had been barking nonstop for several hours. When a deputy spoke with the man, he said he refused to do anything because the dogs don’t like him and they are not his problem. When he was advised of the county ordinance on barking dogs, he complained about how law enforcement does nothing for him. The complaint was forwarded to animal control for followup.